Make matrix from wave and display as contour plot.

The problem is that the first colum is a x colum with 1340 row with the same value and corresponding y and z values changes.
8900.00 7346.18 1553.82 5.9936e-04
8900.00 7346.21 1553.79 7.4345e-04
8900.00 7346.25 1553.75 2.0004e-04
8900.00 7346.28 1553.72 2.1976e-04
8900.00 7346.31 1553.69 1.4326e-03
8900.00 7346.35 1553.65 8.4940e-04
8900.00 7346.38 1553.62 2.7174e-04
8900.00 7346.41 1553.59 1.4487e-03
8905.00 7351.18 1553.82 8.7347e-04
8905.00 7351.21 1553.79 1.8951e-03
8905.00 7351.25 1553.75 -2.1903e-04
8905.00 7351.28 1553.72 2.3094e-04
8905.00 7351.31 1553.69 4.6115e-04
8905.00 7351.35 1553.65 2.0042e-03
8905.00 7351.38 1553.62 2.6526e-03
8905.00 7351.41 1553.59 1.0029e-03
and so on.
Any ideas, thanks in advance.
But if all you want is a contour plot then there's no need to make a matrix. Just select x,y,z waves as the type of data in the dialog.
December 7, 2011 at 07:33 am - Permalink
1. Load the data as 4 different waves, you can rename them to xx, yy, aa, zz
2. select from the menu: Window:New:Contour plot...;
3. In the pop-up window, use the data format as X, Y, and Z waves and select your data waves
4. Use the option "Appearance..." to customize the contour image.
The Igor Pro will do some math and show the lines of constant zz value. It is O.K. to have identical x values.
Yaohua Liu
December 7, 2011 at 07:37 am - Permalink
If your data is sufficiently close to a grid, that'll nicely create a regular matrix from your xyz data.
But 741 and yaohualiu are right: Igor will make an XYZ contour from either an xyz triplet wave or separate x, y, and z waves.
--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.
December 7, 2011 at 09:18 am - Permalink
--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.
December 7, 2011 at 12:04 pm - Permalink