Looking for an IGOR Programmer
The procedure currently has FFT as an optional detection method. The calculation of the FFT slows down the automated mode, so we would like the option to turn off the calculation/display of the FFT when we are not using it for detection.
Finally, we would like - perhaps even as a separate procedure/module - so this could be started from scratch - a way to output FFT data. We have to thing a little bit more about this - how we would like the output, etc.
I have the means to pay someone to do this programming.
If for some reason you would prefer to view it as a collaboration in order to get your name on a publication, that is also an option.
Please email me at kmjacobs@vcu.edu if you are interested.
J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAH
October 31, 2008 at 12:39 pm - Permalink