Loading and Peak picking from a large set of spectra
I have a large set of Raman spectra (say 100 spectra), collected as a part of a two-dimensional map. Each of these is saved as a txt file. Is there anyway to load all of them into Igor Pro, perform peak picking (say within a certain range of the spectral data), and dump the results into a spreadsheet?
Then you can write a routine to load all data files in a folder on disk. Here is an example: http://www.igorexchange.com/node/5843
This example loads the file's data into a 2D wave. You may want to change the LoadWave command to load into 1D waves. However, if all columns in a given file are of equal length then it is probably best to store them in a 2D wave.
Also execute this for a discussion of loading multiple files using a procedure:
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March 31, 2015 at 04:53 pm - Permalink