Load and process waves
I try to write a procedure to do:
1 - load all the .CSV file located in a folder (or .txt Space-Delimited Text File)
2 - There is three column In each file, so i have to put the name of the file for the first one (eg fileName), the second : fileName_PM1 and third : fileName_PM2
3- Make the sum (fileName_PM1 + fileName_PM2) and put the result in a new wave fileName_Sum.
For now I managed to achieve the first two points, but for the third one I could not find the correct way to do it !!!! problems with the names of wave / wave reference / string ... ( All the commented part in the end the procedure)
I know this is a little problem but...
is ther a simple solution/function to do the third point ?
Here is the procedure:
Function importAllFiles()
Variable formatSelector // selector of the file format : 1 for .csv format and 2 for .txt format
String fileFormat = ""
Variable firstLine = 2 // start to load from the line number 2 to skip header
Variable numColumns = 3 // the number of columns to load.
String extension= "*.csv; *.txt;"
String separator = ""
Prompt formatSelector, "Sélectionnez un format de fichier", popup extension
DoPrompt " File Format ", formatSelector
if (V_Flag)
return -1 // User canceled
if ( formatSelector == 1) // 1 for .csv format
fileFormat = ".csv"
separator = ";"
elseif (formatSelector == 2) // 2 for .txt format
fileFormat = ".txt"
separator = " " // Space-Delimited Text File
String messageSt = " Emplacement des fichiers " + fileFormat+ " ? " // put the file format in the prompt message.
NewPath/M=messageSt/O PathName // get the folder in which the files are
if (V_flag == -1) //User cancelled dialog
return -1
string ListOfFiles = IndexedFile(PathName, -1, fileFormat) // Get list of *.csv files in folder
Variable nbrOfFiles = itemsinlist (ListOfFiles ) // number of files in the folder
String fileToLoad // name of the file to load
variable i
String columnInfo = ""
Edit/N=Traitement // Ceat a Table "Traitement" and append the loaded waves to this table
for( i = 0; i<nbrOfFiles; i=i+1)
fileToLoad = StringFromList(i, ListOfFiles)
if(strlen(fileToLoad)==0) // no more file to import
endif // Condition;update loop variables
String name = RemoveEnding(fileToLoad, fileFormat ) // remove the .csv from file name
columnInfo += "N='" + name + "';" // take the name of the file for the firts column
columnInfo += "N=" + name + "_PM1;" // add _PM1 for the second column
columnInfo += "N=" + name + "_PM2;" // add _PM2 for the second column
LoadWave/a/E=2/d/j/b=columnInfo/L={0, firstLine, 0, 0, numColumns }/V={separator, "$", 0, 0 }/P=PathName fileToLoad //
if (V_flag==0) // No waves loaded. Perhaps user canceled.
return -1
// wave waveSum = $(name + "_Sum")
// string waveNameSum = name + "_Sum"
// string waveNamePM1 = name + "_PM1"
// string waveNamePM2 = name + "_PM2"
// Make/O $waveNameSum
// Make/O $waveNamePM1
// Make/O $waveNamePM2
// wave waveSum = $waveNameSum
// wave wavePM1 = $waveNamePM1
// wave wavePM2 = $waveNamePM2
// waveSum = wavePM1 + wavePM2
columnInfo = ""
// Wave/Z waveSum= $(name + "_Sum")
// Wave/Z wavePM1= $( name + "_PM1")
// Wave/Z wavePM2= $(name + "_PM2")
// waveSum = wavePM1 + wavePM2
<pre><code class="language-igor">
Variable formatSelector // selector of the file format : 1 for .csv format and 2 for .txt format
String fileFormat = ""
Variable firstLine = 2 // start to load from the line number 2 to skip header
Variable numColumns = 3 // the number of columns to load.
String extension= "*.csv; *.txt;"
String separator = ""
Prompt formatSelector, "Sélectionnez un format de fichier", popup extension
DoPrompt " File Format ", formatSelector
if (V_Flag)
return -1 // User canceled
if ( formatSelector == 1) // 1 for .csv format
fileFormat = ".csv"
separator = ";"
elseif (formatSelector == 2) // 2 for .txt format
fileFormat = ".txt"
separator = " " // Space-Delimited Text File
String messageSt = " Emplacement des fichiers " + fileFormat+ " ? " // put the file format in the prompt message.
NewPath/M=messageSt/O PathName // get the folder in which the files are
if (V_flag == -1) //User cancelled dialog
return -1
string ListOfFiles = IndexedFile(PathName, -1, fileFormat) // Get list of *.csv files in folder
Variable nbrOfFiles = itemsinlist (ListOfFiles ) // number of files in the folder
String fileToLoad // name of the file to load
variable i
String columnInfo = ""
Edit/N=Traitement // Ceat a Table "Traitement" and append the loaded waves to this table
for( i = 0; i<nbrOfFiles; i=i+1)
fileToLoad = StringFromList(i, ListOfFiles)
if(strlen(fileToLoad)==0) // no more file to import
endif // Condition;update loop variables
String name = RemoveEnding(fileToLoad, fileFormat ) // remove the .csv from file name
columnInfo += "N='" + name + "';" // take the name of the file for the firts column
columnInfo += "N=" + name + "_PM1;" // add _PM1 for the second column
columnInfo += "N=" + name + "_PM2;" // add _PM2 for the second column
LoadWave/a/E=2/d/j/b=columnInfo/L={0, firstLine, 0, 0, numColumns }/V={separator, "$", 0, 0 }/P=PathName fileToLoad //
if (V_flag==0) // No waves loaded. Perhaps user canceled.
return -1
// wave waveSum = $(name + "_Sum")
// string waveNameSum = name + "_Sum"
// string waveNamePM1 = name + "_PM1"
// string waveNamePM2 = name + "_PM2"
// Make/O $waveNameSum
// Make/O $waveNamePM1
// Make/O $waveNamePM2
// wave waveSum = $waveNameSum
// wave wavePM1 = $waveNamePM1
// wave wavePM2 = $waveNamePM2
// waveSum = wavePM1 + wavePM2
columnInfo = ""
// Wave/Z waveSum= $(name + "_Sum")
// Wave/Z wavePM1= $( name + "_PM1")
// Wave/Z wavePM2= $(name + "_PM2")
// waveSum = wavePM1 + wavePM2
<pre><code class="language-igor">
String firstName = StringFromList(0, listOfWavesLoaded)
Wave firstWave = $firstName
String secondName = StringFromList(1, listOfWavesLoaded)
Wave secondWave = $secondName
String thirdName = StringFromList(2, listOfWavesLoaded)
Wave thirdWave = $thirdName
Now you can use the wave references in subsequent commands.
March 16, 2016 at 10:37 am - Permalink
After a few tries...it works.
That may not be the best way to do. The concept of wavename and wave reference is not easy to figure out....
One more question, is there any tips to speed up loading very large files?
many thanks
And here is the new procedure :
Function importAllFiles()
Variable formatSelector // selector of the file format : 1 for .csv format and 2 for .txt format
String fileFormat = ""
Variable firstLine = 2 // start to load from the line number 2 to skip header
Variable numColumns = 3 // the number of columns to load.
String extension= "*.csv; *.txt;"
String separator = ""
Prompt formatSelector, "Sélectionnez un format de fichier", popup extension
DoPrompt " File Format ", formatSelector
if (V_Flag)
return -1 // User canceled
if ( formatSelector == 1) // 1 for .csv format
fileFormat = ".csv"
separator = ";"
elseif (formatSelector == 2) // 2 for .txt format
fileFormat = ".txt"
separator = " " // Space-Delimited Text File
String messageSt = " Emplacement des fichiers " + fileFormat+ " ? " // put the file format in the prompt message.
NewPath/M=messageSt/O PathName // get the folder in which the files are
if (V_flag == -1) //User cancelled dialog
return -1
string ListOfFiles = IndexedFile(PathName, -1, fileFormat) // Get list of *.csv files in folder
Variable nbrOfFiles = itemsinlist (ListOfFiles ) // number of files in the folder
String fileToLoad // name of the file to load
variable i
String columnInfo = ""
Edit/N=Traitement // Ceat a Table "Traitement" and append the loaded waves to this table
for( i = 0; i<nbrOfFiles; i=i+1)
fileToLoad = StringFromList(i, ListOfFiles)
if(strlen(fileToLoad)==0) // no more file to import
endif // Condition;update loop variables
String name = RemoveEnding(fileToLoad, fileFormat ) // remove the .csv from file name
columnInfo += "N='" + name + "';" // take the name of the file for the firts column
columnInfo += "N=" + name + "_PM1;" // add _PM1 for the second column
columnInfo += "N=" + name + "_PM2;" // add _PM2 for the second column
LoadWave/a/E=2/d/j/b=columnInfo/L={0, firstLine, 0, 0, numColumns }/V={separator, "$", 0, 0 }/P=PathName fileToLoad //
if (V_flag==0) // No waves loaded. Perhaps user canceled.
return -1
String listOfWavesLoaded = S_waveNames // S_waveNames is created by LoadWave
String firstName = StringFromList(0, listOfWavesLoaded)
duplicate/O $firstName waveSum
String secondName = StringFromList(1, listOfWavesLoaded)
Wave secondWave = $secondName
String thirdName = StringFromList(2, listOfWavesLoaded)
Wave thirdWave = $thirdName
waveSum = secondWave + thirdWave
string newName = name + "_Sum"
Duplicate/O waveSum, $newName; KillWaves waveSum
columnInfo = ""
March 17, 2016 at 01:39 am - Permalink
fileToLoad = StringFromList(i, ListOfFiles)
if(strlen(fileToLoad)==0) // no more file to import
endif // Condition;update loop variables
String name = RemoveEnding(fileToLoad, fileFormat ) // remove the .csv from file name
columnInfo += "N='" + name + "';" // take the name of the file for the firts column
columnInfo += "N=" + name + "_PM1;" // add _PM1 for the second column
columnInfo += "N=" + name + "_PM2;" // add _PM2 for the second column
LoadWave/a/E=2/d/j/b=columnInfo/L={0, firstLine, 0, 0, numColumns }/V={separator, "$", 0, 0 }/P=PathName fileToLoad //
if (V_flag==0) // No waves loaded. Perhaps user canceled.
return -1
String listOfWavesLoaded = S_waveNames // S_waveNames is created by LoadWave
String newName = name + "_Sum"
duplicate/O $StringFromList(0, listOfWavesLoaded) $newName
Wave waveSum = $newName
Wave secondWave = $StringFromList(1, listOfWavesLoaded)
Wave thirdWave = $StringFromList(2, listOfWavesLoaded)
waveSum = secondWave + thirdWave
columnInfo = ""
March 17, 2016 at 03:59 am - Permalink
March 17, 2016 at 05:44 am - Permalink
See the section "Loading Very Large Waves" in the help for the LoadWave operation.
Using a solid state hard drive will probably help a lot.
March 17, 2016 at 07:46 am - Permalink
Pass the wavename to LoadWave with
and tell it to overwrite with/O
.March 17, 2016 at 09:05 am - Permalink
/L={0, firstLine, 0, 0, numColumns }
in loadwave or am I missing something?HJ
March 17, 2016 at 05:15 pm - Permalink
@ thomas_braun : I did not really understand what you mean.
March 18, 2016 at 12:43 am - Permalink
Here's an example for two single precision columns:
/B=("C=1,F=0,N=CalData; C=1,F=0,N=QMSData;")
@TB You also got me at first with the /N flag!
March 18, 2016 at 03:08 am - Permalink
Delimited text load from "34561_01.csv" Data length: 40, waves: wave00, wave01, wave02, wave03, wave04, wave05, wave06, wave07 and: wave08, wave09, wave010, wave011, wave012, wave013, wave014, wave015, wave016 and: wave017, wave018, wave019, wave020, wave021, wave022, wave023, wave024, wave025 and: wave026, wave027, wave028, wave029, wave030, wave031, wave032, wave033, wave034 and: wave035, wave036, wave037, wave038, wave039, wave040, wave041, wave042, wave043 and: wave044, wave045, wave046, wave047, wave048, wave049, wave050, wave051, wave052 and: wave053, wave054, wave055, wave056, wave057, wave058, wave059, wave060, wave061 and: wave062, wave063, wave064, wave065, wave066, wave067, wave068, wave069, wave070 and: wave071, wave072, wave073, wave074, wave075, wave076, wave077, wave078, wave079 and: wave080, wave081, wave082, wave083, wave084, wave085, wave086, wave087, wave088 and: wave089, wave090, wave091, wave092, wave093, wave094, wave095, wave096, wave097 and: wave098, wave099, wave0100, wave0101, wave0102, wave0103, wave0104, wave0105 and: wave0106, wave0107, wave0108, wave0109, wave0110, wave0111, wave0112, wave0113 and: wave0114, wave0115, wave0116, wave0117, wave0118, wave0119, wave0120, wave0121 and: wave0122, wave0123, wave0124, wave0125, wave0126, wave0127, wave0128, wave0129 and: wave0130, wave0131, wave0132, wave0133, wave0134, wave0135, wave0136, wave0137 and: wave0138, wave0139, wave0140
This requires no
fiddling.March 18, 2016 at 04:16 am - Permalink
I have a file that contains a bunch of data about 1.5GB! when I try to load it, charging starts and after a moment : error LoadWave "out of memory" !
what's wrong ?
Here is the procedure :
Variable formatSelector // selector of the file format : 1 for .csv format and 2 for .txt format
String fileFormat = ""
Variable firstLine = 2 // start to load from the line number 2 to skip header
Variable numColumns = 3 // the number of columns to load.
String extension= "*.csv; *.txt;"
String separator = ""
Prompt formatSelector, "Sélectionnez un format de fichier", popup extension
DoPrompt " File Format ", formatSelector
if (V_Flag)
return -1 // User canceled
if ( formatSelector == 1) // 1 for .csv format
fileFormat = ".csv"
separator = ";"
elseif (formatSelector == 2) // 2 for .txt format
fileFormat = ".txt"
separator = " " // Space-Delimited Text File
String messageSt = " Emplacement des fichiers " + fileFormat+ " ? " // put the file format in the prompt message.
NewPath/M=messageSt/O PathName // get the folder in which the files are
if (V_flag == -1) //User cancelled dialog
return -1
string ListOfFiles = IndexedFile(PathName, -1, fileFormat) // Get list of *.csv files in folder
Variable nbrOfFiles = itemsinlist (ListOfFiles ) // number of files in the folder
String fileToLoad // name of the file to load
variable i
String columnInfo = ""
Edit/N=Traitement // Ceat a Table "Traitement" and append the loaded waves to this table
for( i = 0; i<nbrOfFiles; i=i+1)
fileToLoad = StringFromList(i, ListOfFiles)
if(strlen(fileToLoad)==0) // no more file to import
endif // Condition;update loop variables
String name = RemoveEnding(fileToLoad, fileFormat ) // remove the .csv from file name
columnInfo += "N='" + name + "';" // take the name of the file for the firts column
columnInfo += "N=" + name + "_PM1;" // add _PM1 for the second column
columnInfo += "N=" + name + "_PM2;" // add _PM2 for the second column
LoadWave/a/E=2/d/j/b=columnInfo/L={0, firstLine, 0, 0, numColumns }/V={separator, "$", 0, 0 }/P=PathName fileToLoad //
if (V_flag==0) // No waves loaded. Perhaps user canceled.
return -1
String listOfWavesLoaded = S_waveNames // S_waveNames is created by LoadWave
String firstName = StringFromList(0, listOfWavesLoaded)
duplicate/O $firstName waveSum
String secondName = StringFromList(1, listOfWavesLoaded)
Wave secondWave = $secondName
String thirdName = StringFromList(2, listOfWavesLoaded)
Wave thirdWave = $thirdName
waveSum = secondWave + thirdWave
string newName = name + "_Sum"
Duplicate/O waveSum, $newName; KillWaves waveSum
columnInfo = ""
March 21, 2016 at 10:08 am - Permalink
Avoid the last duplicate command.
duplicate/O $firstName $newName // this replaces the first duplicate
should work.
Also have a look at the
command.Is there a reason why you duplicate the fristWave and assign the sumWave as second + third?
Duplication of the second and adding the third might be faster
wave sumWave=$newName, thirdWave=$thridName
duplicate/O $secondName $newName // again, this replaces the first duplicate
Is double precision (~15 digits) necessary or would single (~7 digits) or even integers (maybe coded ["*100"] -- not recommended per se) also work (~half the memory!)? If not, omit the /D flag.
Wave sizes are limited to 2GB in Igor6.x. Depending on your data, this limit might be reached here -- although I doubt it: Your text data would have to be more compact than the binary format in Igor -- like single text-formated bit values stored in double precision later.
Maybe the automatic calculation of the maximal number of rows in /L is causing trouble. Try a reasonable large but constant value. If the error is gone now AND all data is loaded it might be a bug.
@TB /N provides a base name. For this example, we need the /B fiddling. ;-)
"/N=baseName Same as /N except that Igor automatically assigns wave names of the form baseName0, baseName1."
March 22, 2016 at 09:29 am - Permalink
Yes, you are right. Thanks.
March 22, 2016 at 12:41 pm - Permalink