Linear Interpolation in 2-D Matrix

I'm working with a data set in a 2D matrix that I had to transform in order for it to be in the right form for a contour plot. But the transformation leaves a lot of zeros in between data points; so now I need to do a linear interpolation so that I can actually get a smooth contour and not just scattered peaks.
I attached a table that has the data laid out so it might make more since what I need.

If anyone can help me out I'd greatly appreciate it.
Oh, and I'm very new to this form so feel free to point out anything I'm saying that's confusing or just plain wrong.

Table6.pxp (18.9 KB)
It is not obvious what you mean by zeros between data points. I suspect that you started from data that were not sampled on a rectangular grid. If that is the case you need to take your original data and load it onto a triplet wave (2D wave that has 3 columns for X, Y and Z respectively). You can then directly contour the data or, if you wish, use ImageInterpolate with the keyword Voronoi to interpolate this into a regularly spaced XY grid.

If I misunderstood the problem feel free to send your question to support.

WaveMetrics, Inc.