Imagelineprofile with /Rad flag Question

In the documentation the example below is given
ImagelineProfile/RAD={50,50,24.5,0.5,0.001}/IRAD=100 srcWave=ddd
Xcenter = 50
Ycenter = 50
Radius =24.5
Width =0.5 (I am assuming it is +/-)
DeltaAngle = 0.001 (in radians)
What does 100 mean here? If the circle is 2Pi radians and there are 0.001 radians per step there are 2000Pi points. 100 is not that number? What does it refer to?
Following the example in the documentation.
It returns a value of
along with 5 waves
W_ImageLineProfie 6283 points all NaNs
W_LineProfileDisplacement 6283 points from 0 to 153.889 to last point before circle is closed (2*pi*24.5 = 153.938)
W_LineProfileX 6283 points with X position
W_LineProfileY 6283 points with Y position
W_radIntegral 6283 points of value ~ 0.600184 except last point = 0
If I remove the /IRAD flag then imagelineprofile has values and zero NaNs and no W-radintegral wave is created, is this the intended behavior?
I also notice that /IRAD number needs to be even.
If I change the delta in the /RAD flag to 0.1 radian
ImagelineProfile/RAD={35,50,24.5,0.5,0.1}/IRAD=1000 srcWave=ddd
Then all but the w_radintegral are 126 points and the w_radintegral is 63 points.
Do the two radian values need to align?
March 22, 2023 at 08:46 am - Permalink
While I am on roll.
What is the intended behavior if the profile goes outside the limits of the underlying matrix?
Example I have set the center and the radius to sample outside the underlying image.
ImagelineProfile/RAD={10,10,24.5,0.5,0.001}/IRAD=100 srcWave=ddd
The X and Y line profile correctly go into the negative. With the /IRAD flag the W_ImageLineProfile is all NaNs, while the W_RadIntegral has zero for points that lie outside the image. The function returns a V_Integral value of 2346 instead of the expected NaN.
Without the /IRAD flag the W_IamgeLineProfile shows NaNs where for regions outside the image.
March 22, 2023 at 09:48 am - Permalink
Hi Andy,
When you have so many questions you are better off calling us.
March 22, 2023 at 12:25 pm - Permalink
Had a nice chat with AG and answered some questions.
1. /IRAD flag is the number of samples at each angular position in the radial direction between the lower radial limit and upper radial limit. Important to understand the DeltaAngle describes the circumferential angle, the /IRAD is the number of samples in the radial direction.
2. If you do a radial profile that goes outside the image , the W_imageLineProfile will have Nans where you exceed the image.
/IRAD V_integral will have 0 (zero) for the points outside the image and will not contribute to the integral value reported, and will return the integral of the valid points.
Different approaches and use them as desired.
The /IRAD number must be even.
When /IRAD is used the W_ImageLineProfile wave is not computed and is all NaNs.
March 22, 2023 at 02:16 pm - Permalink
For the benefit of others who may have similar questions:
Here are two functions that help illustrate the situation:
The first function shows image data and 3 concentric rings (blue, red, and yellow). The /IRAD=100 flag means that for every point on the red ring the intensity is evaluated at 100 radial locations. Here the tradeoff is performance vs accuracy and depends on the extent of variation of the data in the radial direction.
Example2() illustrates a situation where the path extends in part outside the range of the data. Here one could have a valid expectation that the operation would return a NaN (if you want to count points outside the data), but what if you want to know the integrated intensity for points inside the image? I suppose we could suggest to embed the image in a larger image where all the pixels are set to zero or return the integral for values inside the image as is implemented.
1. When performing the radial calculation the path is generated internally (from the parameters in the /Rad flag) but the profile wave is not populated as it is essentially equivalent to the data in W_radIntegral.
2. The last value in W_radIntegral corresponds to the wrap-around point and is therefore set to zero (a non-zero value would change the integral).
March 22, 2023 at 02:19 pm - Permalink