Image Analysis - Particle Analysis output waves

In the the output folder after running from the included procedures, I see a couple of waves:
'Obj Area' and W_ImageObjArea, what is the difference between the two?
The documentation defines W_ImageObjArea which is the one I am using. They are not the same values. There is also a pair for the perimeter. When I compare then pairs there does not seem to be a correlation.
I was under the impression that you are working with IP7. If that is not the case, please be aware that we are deprecating the IP Procedure package as they are replaced by built-in dialogs. As such, I do not recommend using the procedures unless you are building your own application and need some implementation examples (how to write really old IGOR code).
If you are writing your own code use the waves as documented in the operation. All other waves found in the IP package are derived waves which may represent old or processed data.
WaveMetrics, Inc.
November 24, 2015 at 06:46 am - Permalink