IGOR Pro 7 Data Browser New Features

I recently discovered some nice features in IGOR 7's Data Browser I thought I'd share with the larger community. Also, one feature behaves a bit oddly and any insight would be appreciated. [Using IGOR Pro 7 Build 27280 for Mac]

In the Data Browser's Main List, one can right click on the Column title (default is "Name") to allow adding columns containing other quite useful information! (Size, Dimensionality, etc.). See attached image.

After adding additional columns I've noticed if the Browser window is resized narrower than the total column widths, a small box appears in the lower left corner of the Main List with the default text "Filter." (see second image attachment) This seems to let me filter which waves appear in the Main List by name, which I find very useful for experiments with many many waves.

Also appearing is a little gear icon that lets the user select how to sort the list. Content is similar to the options you get by right clicking the column heading with the additional option of "Group by Object Type."

Is there an easier way to get the little filter box to appear? The above method works reliably but seems a like a bit of a hack.

Anyway, hope these prove useful and feel free to post additional niceties or insights!
DataBrowserFilterListField.png (101.2 KB)
I'm glad to hear you like the new features. I've recently blogged about these new features at http://www.igorpro.net/blog/2016/7/29/igor-pro-7-dialog-wave-browser. There's also http://www.igorpro.net/blog/2016/8/16/get-to-know-a-feature-data-browser about other Data Browser features.

The blue box in the first post should answer your question:
"Macintosh users: If you don't see the gear and question mark buttons, you will need to go to System Preferences, select General, and choose "Always" for the "Show scroll bars:" setting."
Thanks AC! Your comments taught me a bunch of things
(enabling the filter/gear icon, difference between data browser vs dialog wave browser, ... and there's an IGOR 7 blog!!)

In the spirit of "Now that you mention it...," how about letting the user set the current data folder by typing a path into that beautiful looking field at the top of the data browser...

NB: added to wish list at http://www.igorexchange.com/node/7266#comment-1 :-)