IGOR Popups Not Appearing On-Screen


I have noticed a minor issue with Igor (Igor Pro 9.05 64-bit) where error message popups do not appear on screen (or anywhere visible on any monitor), causing the main application to become unresponsive and requiring a force quit. For context, I am using two monitors and Windows 11. For steps to reproduce you can try moving the Igor app window from your primary monitor, and loading an Igor procedure file with compile errors. Without moving the Igor app, the error popup appears normally.

I was wondering if any other users have experienced this or this is a known issue. Posting here as I haven't experienced popups not appearing with any other applications. Does anyone have a recommendation for how to resolve this issue?

Thank you.

I am using Igor 9 on Windows 10 with a two-monitor setup and cannot remember having such a problem (I have no chance to test it right now). This can depend on many details such as screen settings, magnification etc. You could try to download the newest nightly version: Go to Help => Igor Pro Nightly Builds (do this at your own risk). The best course of action would be to write directly to the support while copying all the details of your system (within Igor go to Help => System Information). This may be a very specific edge case after all.

We had the same problem with a DoPrompt windows that were hidden on Win10 two-monitor computer, same Igor Pro. The two screens had different factors for text (125 and 150%). We set the same factors and problem was solved (?). 
However later on when pressing “New Data Folder” in Data browser the window was either popping on the other monitor or not at all, and Igor appeared frozen! 
Problem appeared with the latest nightly built also. All these happened today and did not have lots of time to investigate further.  

Our beamline users were confused and lot of time was wasted trying to figure out what was happening.