Igor on Linux ???

Some Igor users have reported success running Igor on Linux under Wine or under Crossover Office which, as I understand it, is a commercialized version of Wine.
If you have comments about Igor on Linux or want to encourage (or discourage) us from porting to Linux in the future, feel free to add your comments here.
I for one strongly encourage you to do it! (moreover, I am more than willing to beta-test it :-) )
There has been some talk about better integrating Gizmo into Igor, to bring it on par with 2D graphs (in terms of usability and output). I think this would be an excellent opportunity to consider linux as well, as OpenGL is already quite mature on the platform. Naturally, porting the 2D graphics is a different matter completely, but then again, hardware-accelerated 2D routines have been available on all platforms for quite a while...
The non-graphics part of Igor should be comparatively less demanding to port. At any rate, if you also plan 64bit support, adding linux as a platform for this part should be a relatively minor effort during the necessary code review...
Thank you for Igor, and keep up the good work!
February 17, 2010 at 01:41 am - Permalink
What's in it for WM? I successfully Igor-vangelized our general physics labs and the students are a mixture of OS users just the same way as we "grown-ups". Reaching out to the Linux users among them is bound to generate some more Igor users every year from those, who now mix GNUplot, Matlab and wossnames... :-)
Time to find out, whether you are dead right, or just dead.
February 17, 2010 at 02:40 am - Permalink
- It would enlarge the community. In absolute numbers Linux users might be a minority respect WinOS and OSX ones. However they represent a significant and growing number among the PC users involved in number crunching and data plotting/analysis.
- Developing countries as China and India are most prone to use Linux rather than WinOS. A Linux version of Igor would open up new markets for WMs.
- It would allow Igor to run on large clusters of PCs using an OS that makes better use of the hardware resources. The trend is clear in science. The amount of data to process, and not only in science, is growing following at least the Moore's Law. How would Igor keep up with that?
- Linux-embedded hardware systems would have an easy way to be programmed and interfaced. And Linux runs on practically any type of CPUs.
- Linux code is open then it should be much easier to write XOPs to interface Igor with any available hardware acquisition devices.
Just my two cents.
February 17, 2010 at 05:46 am - Permalink
So, I'm wondering if upgrading to the latest wine version will help. Or, could the problem be the way Ubuntu distributes the load onto the CPUs?
I'll try to install the IGOR demo on my work computer and report back, but my impression is that the latest wine builds are much, much more functional and a lot faster, at least on Snow Leopard.
February 17, 2010 at 10:02 am - Permalink
February 17, 2010 at 02:27 pm - Permalink
February 18, 2010 at 01:15 am - Permalink
John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
February 18, 2010 at 05:06 pm - Permalink
which people are encouraged to add to. Much easier to implement than a version of Igor native to Linux would be fixing the issues listed in that thread, and being open to fixing more as they are reported. However, I don't know how many of these issues can be fixed by changing Igor, and how many can only be fixed by changing WINE. It is an open source project, though, so one could always contribute... and to the extent that WINE does not faithfully replicate the Igor experience, it is probably a failure to faithfully replicate the Win32 API, which means it would be generally useful to the WINE community.
Is this a worthwhile intermediate step until a version of Igor native to Linux is released? I think it probably would be.
February 18, 2010 at 07:49 pm - Permalink
FWIW, here are the benchmark 2.02 numbers. I hope they are relevant to claims of sluggishness reported above under wine.
**** test on Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 (Build 2600)5.1.2600 using 6.12 and 21 passes; 2.66 GHz iMac
Create new graph time: 533.26ms, relative speed= 0.56
big data update time: 152.04ms, relative speed= 0.94
curve fit time: 4.21ms, relative speed= 0.45
user curve fit time: 16.51ms, relative speed= 2.15
double complex fft time: 812.66µs, relative speed= 1.81
single complex fft time: 744.13µs, relative speed= 1.60
double real fft time: 391.29µs, relative speed= 1.44
single real fft time: 348.60µs, relative speed= 1.41
5 pass smooth time: 317.84µs, relative speed= 1.71
Sort 8192 points time: 12.47ms, relative speed= 3.07
WaveStats time: 594.70µs, relative speed= 0.45
simple eqn time: 290.00µs, relative speed= 4.81
exp eqn time: 552.53µs, relative speed= 3.64
sqrt eqn time: 388.65µs, relative speed= 4.55
sin eqn time: 550.42µs, relative speed= 2.11
User fit fctn time: 492.83µs, relative speed= 2.62
MatrixOp eqn time: 67.97µs, relative speed= 0.35
**** done ****
total test time= 21.3781
February 22, 2010 at 12:45 pm - Permalink
April 26, 2010 at 06:35 pm - Permalink
how difficult it would be to make IGOR run on Linux.
I am running it occasionally on Linux using wine and most things just work fine.
But if there was a Linux version of IGOR, I definitely would be a user.
May 11, 2010 at 05:11 am - Permalink
I am not sure whether the Gnu also is composed of commands like Igor Pro. If there would be a converter, it would be very helpful for me because I can skip several processes of manual
conversion for the graphs which were created by Gnuplot.
August 3, 2010 at 05:56 pm - Permalink
It's also possible that in fixing the remaining bugs, you can actually maintain the Windows build more-or-less as is, without even needing a separate Linux build. Some of the bug fixes will be in WINE itself, and some others won't actually change the behavior of the Windows build in Windows. It seems like a very within-reach goal.
That said, Igor under WINE is no way to run hardware devices; but in my world, at least, most of my devices don't have Linux drivers anyway.
August 23, 2010 at 10:10 pm - Permalink
My acquiring computer runs on Win XP, but all our servers are based on Linux.
I guess we are not the only ones who do the hard core number crunching on Linux machines.
January 31, 2012 at 08:48 am - Permalink
February 2, 2012 at 08:12 am - Permalink
July 25, 2012 at 04:47 pm - Permalink
Just my two cents.
November 11, 2012 at 12:30 pm - Permalink
So, a linux version may not be world-changing for me since windows is okay. But it would be tempting to have all software I use cross-platform or just stay on linux all day.
November 11, 2012 at 01:37 pm - Permalink
A Qt-based Igor, which we are working on, is a big step toward running on Linux but there are still many big steps beyond that. For example, we would have to convert all of our file-handling and graphics code, which currently use Macintosh or Windows APIs, to Qt.
I'm hopeful that a Linux port will be possible but we won't know for a while, perhaps for a year. In the meantime we are following your feedback on the issue.
November 11, 2012 at 02:12 pm - Permalink
That's good very news! It's clearly a huge task but it's worth the effort.
November 13, 2012 at 01:49 am - Permalink
I am a Linux user as well as many of my colleagues. I wish to see Igor Pro in Linux. The barrier of using igor pro at all in our work is that it is windows only!. I wonder if there is any update on this topic?
Best regards
January 12, 2013 at 04:14 pm - Permalink
January 12, 2013 at 05:03 pm - Permalink
Just want to point out that everybody but me in my lab runs a Mac, and we all use Igor.
January 12, 2013 at 05:04 pm - Permalink
A Linux version of Igor is a possibility but we won't be in a position to make a decision for about a year. See my comment from 2012-11-11.
In the meantime it is possible to run Igor under WINE.
January 12, 2013 at 06:08 pm - Permalink
February 14, 2013 at 05:50 am - Permalink
March 24, 2014 at 07:27 am - Permalink
I have been using Igor since 2010, and would like to continue. My research is on icesheet dynamics of the Greenland Icesheet. If you use Igor and would like to see a Linux version, post your support here!
University of Montana
August 25, 2014 at 09:54 am - Permalink
May 6, 2017 at 06:31 pm - Permalink
May 7, 2017 at 08:10 pm - Permalink
Hi all,
Just a small message in order to express my interest in getting Igor supported on Linux.
Also, if you want to count/probe the number of people who would be interested in Igor for Linux, maybe you should make a pool?
Thank you for your very nice support and all,
September 5, 2018 at 01:48 pm - Permalink
For non-essential stuff (read no hardware interfaces, etc.), I run Igor in virtualbox and it works pretty well.
September 7, 2018 at 12:25 am - Permalink
Sorry for reviving this discussion, but as I can see there are also recent replies.
It would absolutely be helpful to have Igor running on Linux. I fully appreciate the difficulties there may be after all, but it would be still great if the port can be done in part. For example, it would be nice if I can start doing analysis on my much more powerful Threadripper system which (unfortunately) runs Linux, where I am really using basic logic loops and some Integrate functions.
In my school, we particularly have a lot of 28 core workstation which we may control remotely, however at the end they all run Linux, this prevent me (and my group which uses Igor) from utilizing them which is a pity.
I just tried wine on my ubuntu 18.04 LTS server, it used to work (Fedora 26) but it breaks again, this is why wine isn't really a productive method at the end. Once you get it to work you must leave it be otherwise it takes hours if not days to figure out what's wrong. I might go back to use KVM again but I found the performance hit was significant (60% of bare metal on ubuntu, I think Fedora will be better).
September 29, 2018 at 01:09 pm - Permalink
+1 for linux version. I would be willing to beta test and contribute otherwise.
June 4, 2020 at 10:27 am - Permalink
Dear Wavemetrics team,
I understand that you were not willing to package Igor for every Linux distribution that is out there. However, things have changed drastically with universal packages on Linux. So you could easily provide either a flatpak (or Appimage or snap) and Igor would run basically on every single Linux distribution that is out there.
This makes packaging for Linux as easy or difficult as for Windows or Mac.
And since you cater a scientific community where Linux is quite broadly adopted this would be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
June 24, 2022 at 05:40 am - Permalink
I've been using Igor for 20 years now. I used to use it many hours a day but have since switch to Linux. I hate booting into Windows, and, as a result, I find that I'm using Igor less and less these days. I would use it a lot more if it were available on Linux.
July 23, 2022 at 06:59 pm - Permalink
+1 for Igor on Linux.
I use a MacBook Pro at work (and at home). Igor is (and has been) the only program that has prevented me from adopting Linux as a daily driver.
July 25, 2022 at 06:58 pm - Permalink
Since this topic became hot again lately, I would like point possibly interested users to the thread about running Igor Pro under Wine (which I am not doing btw.):
Would be interesting to hear if someone has an update on how things run using the latest Igor / Wine combo. I guess instead of porting Igor to Linux, which seems like an enormous task for a small team, a viable compromise would be to get Igor working well in a Wine (or similar) environment.
July 26, 2022 at 12:05 am - Permalink
Igor 9 in my lab is running on a bunch of old (2010) Mac Pros under MacOS 10.13, and there's no way I would upgrade to more recent and much less flexible MacOS. This is why we are all stuck with these fairly old machines and OS, with graphics cards dying one by one. Buying new macs or switching to windows is out the question for many reasons. The only option is moving everything to Linux, and right now run Igor on wine. How much simpler it would be if it could run directly in Linux ! I'd be very excited to test a new version, and would probably contribute a few new users to that new version.
November 15, 2022 at 08:02 am - Permalink
Dear Igor team,
would you be able to comment on the possibility of providing Igor say as a flatpak in the near future for Linux?
July 20, 2023 at 12:49 am - Permalink
In reply to Dear Igor team, would you… by Konstantin.Hirsch
We would need a Linux version of the application before the issue of how to package it was relevant. Maybe that would happen in the "near future" in geologic time but probably not in your intended time frame.
July 21, 2023 at 04:55 am - Permalink