Igor 7 under Win 11?


I still run Igor 7 (update is applied for).

Does anyone know whether Igor7 will still work under Windows 11?

Thanks & Best regards,



As far as we know. Igor 7 was the first version using the Qt framework, and has quite a few bugs. We would recommend upgrading to Igor 9 if at all possible. You can download Igor 9 and try it for 30 days to find out if there are problems for your work.

Still, the original Question remains: will Igor 7 work under Windows 11?

Yes, it does. I just launched Igor 7.08 on my Windows 11 machine.

bpc_ReadHeka works just fine under Igor 9 (32bit). I'm the author.

I'm not sure if (when) I will find the time to move it to 64bit.
