Igor 7: 64 bit integer complex waves supported?


I see some weirdness when trying to use 64 bit integer complex waves. E.g.
make/o/L/c/n=1 test = cmplx(1,1); print/f test
results in
test[1,1] = (4.60718e+18,0)
and  edit test shows 4.60718e+18 for both real and imaginary part.

And even weirder:
make/o/L/c test = {cmplx(1,1)}; print/f test
has a different result than above code line, namely
test[1,1] = (1,0)

Are 64 bit integer complex waves not supported by Igor 7 ?

Igor version 7.01 64 bit
Windows 7 Enterprise Service Pack 1

It is strange indeed.

Especially as Edit/K=1 root:test does show the content in both columns, altough still incorrect.
The answer is: Complex 64 bit integer expressions are not currently supported.

The command should not have been allowed and I have checked in code to catch that on the command line. In Functions, it was already an error.

For IP8, I will investigate adding support for this.

Larry Hutchinson
Thanks for looking into it.
+1 from me for future 64 bit integer complex support in Igor :)
fabrizio wrote:
Thanks for looking into it.
+1 from me for future 64 bit integer complex support in Igor :)

Out of curiosity, can you tell us what application requires complex (64 bit) integers?

I do some analysis of data acquired with FPGAs. The FPGA data is Integer with an arbitrary number of bits, and 64 bit integer data types give me the best flexibilty for this (besides arbitrary precision math, which I try to avoid whenever possible).

Up to Igor 7, I used matlab for >32 bit integer related calculations; e.g. to load binary 64 bit integer files, save filter coefficients in fixed point notation > 32 bit, ... . Things have much improved with Igor 7, but I would love to have the same Igor functionality for 64 bit integer as for 32 bit integer. As for the complex Igor datatype, I just got used to it, and it is a nice container for e.g. IQ data.

One simple fictional example is two 64 bit arrays, each constructed of sixteen 1 bit flags and one 48 bit signed integer, saved as interleaved binary.
Igor 7 already allows me to load the 64 bit arrays as integers and extract the flags and 48 bit integers with the bitwise and operator, but then I have to be careful to not use unsupported operations on the 48 bit integers (stored in 64 bit integers).

I also sometimes use double float on Igor as a poor mans 52 bit integer, but it is more natural to me to use integer types for integers.

Of course, most people would say to just use Matlab for FPGA related work, but I prefer (i.e. have better knowledge of) Igor in general ;)

But, to be honest, I only found out about the complex 64 bit integer problem when I wrote below code to convert floating point to integer values and tried to make it as general as possible, thus also including 64 bit integer complex:
function toInteger(data[, amplitude])
    // Convert a floating point wave to signed integer:
    // Recast wave to integer (8, 16, 32, or 64 bit depending
    // on 'amplitude') and overwrite it with integer values
    // nb: only Igor version >=7 supports 64 bit integers.
    // amplitude: peak amplitude of integer wave;
    //            default: 32767 (fill 16 bit signed integer wave)
    // fg  2017/01/03 first implementation
    wave data
    variable amplitude
    amplitude = paramisdefault(amplitude) ? 2^15-1 : amplitude
    if ((wavetype(data) & (2^1 + 2^2)) == 0)
        print "input data is not floating point; aborting"
        return -1
    variable bits
    bits = ceil(log(amplitude+1)/log(2)) + 1 // +1 for signed
    bits = 2^(ceil(log(bits)/log(2))) // round to next highest power of 2,
    bits = max(bits, 8)               // starting at 8
    matrixop/free maxreal = maxval(abs(real(data)))     // hack: use matrixop to support both complex and real waves
    matrixop/free maximag = maxval(abs(imag(data)))
    variable maximum = max(maxreal[0], maximag[0])
    variable Vscale = amplitude / maximum
    if (bits > 64 || bits > 32 && IgorVersion() < 7)
        print "Amplitude too large; would require", bits, "bits"
        return - 1 
        variable complexBit = wavetype(data) & 2^0
        variable typeCode = bits == 64 ? complexBit + bits*2 : complexBit + bits // inconsistent bit value for 64 bit for historical reasons...
        matrixop/o data = Vscale * data
        redimension/Y=(typeCode) data 

and I noticed that e.g.
make/c/d/o data = exp(cmplx(0,2*pi*p/16))
toInteger(data, amplitude = 2^47-1)

results in 'wrong' imaginary numbers.
