How to set y axis with fix maximum and minimum value

I have several graphs with different max and min values but in order to make them comparable in a glance, I want to fix the y scale. To set max and min to 10 and -10 respectively, I have tried this:

SetScale/I y,-10,10,"Acceleration", data1<pre><code class="language-igor">
However, it doesn't work and all graphs y axis are still autoscaled.  How I can achieve that?
SetScale is used to change the wave scaling. I recommend following the guided tour (Help menu -> Getting Started) to understand this concept.

To change the axis range you'll need the SetAxis operation. The easiest way to generate the command is to double-click on the axis in one of the graphs, then making the change using the dialog. Note the command that it generates and executes. Click on another graph that needs to be modified and repeat the same command on them by clicking the command line, hitting the up arrow key to select the most recent executed command, and hit return twice. Do this for all of the graphs that need this adjustment.
Your question is a little vague but I sounds to me that you are looking to normalize you graphs. As you are complaining about the auto-ranging for the y-axis, I'm assuming that one, or more, of your waves has much higher values than another (making it difficult to view this smaller amplitude wave).

Simply setting the max/min of the y-axis to 10 and -10 would have no effect on the data. As you have stated, you max/min values are all different so setting the range of the y-axis would "clip" data which is beyond this range and still leave the small amplitude waves difficult to see.

You can use the wave arithmetic panel to normalize your curves (max value = 1), or multiply them by constants if you don't want to normalize to 1. If you truly wish to use wave scaling, you would have to do this for each wave.
Thank you all and in fact my case is not that complicated and I just forgot the SetAxis comment and it works for me. I just want to make the graphs in the same scale such that I can compare the magnitude briefly by putting the graphs together.