How to set default working folder

This may be a simple question but I can note how to do that. Is it possible to set a default working folder such that whenever I load data or saving experiment, I will be inside that folder automatically instead of starting all over from the root directory?

You can set the current data folder in a given experiment by putting an experiment initialization command in the built-in procedure window.
DisplayHelpTopic "Experiment Initialization Commands"

In your case the command would be something like:
SetDataFolder root:MyDataFolder

To do it in all experiments you can create a hook function:
DisplayHelpTopic "User-Defined Hook Functions"
DisplayHelpTopic "AfterFileOpenHook"

Your AfterFileOpenHook function would need to verify that the file being opened is an experiment file (kind parameter is 1 or 2) and that the data folder exists (DataFolderExists function).