I have some about my program.Par exemple when I compile the program I see like this Error in Procedure: typrogram.How do you code in igo?Experimentmo.pxp(9.57 KB)
function tryprogram()String ctrlName
variableivariable/G npt=4Make/O/N=(npt) wavelength=ctrlName
It will compile like this:
function tryprogram()String ctrlName
variableivariable/G npt=4Make/O/N=(npt) wavelength
wavelength[i]=2*i+1i+=1// NOTE This is movedwhile(i<npt)end
It would also work like this:
function tryprogram(npt)variable npt
Make/O/N=(npt) wavelength
function tryprogram()String ctrlName
variableivariable/G npt=4Make/O/N=(npt) wavelength=ctrlName
It will compile like this:
function tryprogram()String ctrlName
variableivariable/G npt=4Make/O/N=(npt) wavelength
wavelength[i]=2*i+1i+=1// NOTE This is movedwhile(i<npt)end
It would also work like this:
function tryprogram(npt)variable npt
Make/O/N=(npt) wavelength
function tryprogram(npt)variable npt
Make/O/N=(npt) wavelength=2*p+1end
There are a lot of new things in this fragment. To be honest, it doesn't make sense to explain every little bit here.
Anyway a few things:
* Please use <pre><codeclass="language-igor"></xml> and <xml></code></pre> tags for posting code here.
* Start small.
(and not with buttons, loading waves etc.)
* Read The Fabulous Manual.
* Do the guided tour.
displayhelptopic"Getting Started"
* Read the online help related to the commands in your code sample.
- Press F1; go to the tab labeled Command Help; click in the list on the left; and type the initial characters of the respective command
- Type displayhelptopic "#commandname#" in the command window (ctrl-j), e.g.
for ctrlName. I would like to create a table when I have value of wavelength[i].
I use this program for learn Igor programmation.
So, let's assume you mean this ...
Function MakeATableFromAWave(wavename)stringwavename// make the tablereturn0end
... where wavename is a string that is given in a call such as MakeATableFromAWave("myspectrum1"). Find the menu option that creates a table (Edit). Make all of the selections from the menu option. When you complete this menu option, a command appears in the history window. This command is what you will need to put in your function.
Otherwise as noted here and in other responses to your postings, we all would appreciate that you would spend some time to learn how to post Igor code, to read the manual, and to do the tutorials, especially on programming.
J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAH
Our video tutorials are at www.wavemetrics.com/products/igorpro/videotutorials.htm. There aren't any specific tutorials on programming, but in order to program in Igor you need to first be familiar with the application itself.
It will compile like this:
It would also work like this:
What is your intention with ctrlName?
February 8, 2017 at 08:06 am - Permalink
February 9, 2017 at 12:20 am - Permalink
I see this program when he would like to plot Intensity vs wavelength. He use this program
Macro SpectreTotal(ctrlName) : ButtonControl
String ctrlName
KillWaves/Z Wavelength,Intensity
dowindow/K Graph0
dowindow/K Table0
String list = waveList("*", ";", "")
String traceName
variable i,lgond,cpix //correspondance pixel=cpix;longueur d'onde=lgond
String/G mypath=S_path
variable/G npt
traceName = StringFromList(0, list)
npt=pnt2x($traceName,numpnts($traceName)-1)+1 // N = numpnts(waveName)
Make/O/N=(npt) Wavelength=$traceName
traceName = StringFromList(1, list)
Make/O/N=(npt) Intensity=$traceName
do (i=0)
// Wavelength[i] = lgond + (512/cpix) - (i/cpix)
Wavelength[i] = lgond - (512/6.833) + (i/6.833) + 0.525
edit Intensity,Wavelength
display /W=(10, 20, 600, 400) Intensity vs Wavelength
ModifyGraph rgb=(0,0,0)
//Label left "\\u#2Intensité (u.a.)";DelayUpdate
Label bottom "\\u#2longueur d'onde (A°)"
KillWaves/Z wave0,wave1
I use this program for learn Igor programmation.
February 9, 2017 at 12:26 am - Permalink
There are a lot of new things in this fragment. To be honest, it doesn't make sense to explain every little bit here.
Anyway a few things:
* Please use
<pre><code class="language-igor"></xml> and <xml></code></pre>
tags for posting code here.* Start small.
(and not with buttons, loading waves etc.)
* Read The Fabulous Manual.
* Do the guided tour.
* Read the online help related to the commands in your code sample.
- Press F1; go to the tab labeled Command Help; click in the list on the left; and type the initial characters of the respective command
- Type
displayhelptopic "#commandname#"
in the command window (ctrl-j), e.g.HJ
February 9, 2017 at 02:56 am - Permalink
February 9, 2017 at 03:03 am - Permalink
But there will be no way around reading the manual. I'm serious.
February 9, 2017 at 03:52 am - Permalink
So, let's assume you mean this ...
... where wavename is a string that is given in a call such as MakeATableFromAWave("myspectrum1"). Find the menu option that creates a table (Edit). Make all of the selections from the menu option. When you complete this menu option, a command appears in the history window. This command is what you will need to put in your function.
Otherwise as noted here and in other responses to your postings, we all would appreciate that you would spend some time to learn how to post Igor code, to read the manual, and to do the tutorials, especially on programming.
J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAH
February 9, 2017 at 05:15 am - Permalink
February 9, 2017 at 05:29 am - Permalink
February 9, 2017 at 05:58 am - Permalink
You may find this site useful as well ...
J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAH
February 9, 2017 at 08:15 am - Permalink
February 9, 2017 at 01:27 pm - Permalink