How do we get Igor more widely adopted

Man I love Igor Pro. I have been struggling with some scripting in JMP to support a client with some analysis. It is pure pain. I really appreciate when I can back to Igor.
We need to get it more widely adopted.
I'm working with 2D arrays, where each column is a separate dataset. I've often found myself wanting to do functionOnASingleSet(dataArray[][1]), and I can't even though I've given the function what it wants. I need to write additional code to get out a slice of that array, put it into a 1d array, and do that, then if I alter it, I need to then copy it back into the array.
March 26, 2015 at 11:16 pm - Permalink
It is true that many commands cannot handle mutlidimensional arrays, however, i think writing a generic function to extract a column or row (using matrixOp and potentially a free wave) is a fairly easy workaround.
Having said that, I have asked wavemetrics to have wavestats handle ranges from multidimensional waves :)
March 28, 2015 at 04:58 pm - Permalink
March 28, 2015 at 06:33 pm - Permalink
If 2-D range is sufficient, often ImageStats is your friend:
P is rows, Q is columns.
A column's stats would be
ImageStats /G={0, DimSize(wave,0)-1, column, column} wave
--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.
March 29, 2015 at 07:43 am - Permalink
Thanks Jim. I just noticed that your tip was also in the wavestats help file. I don't know how I managed to overlook it for so long.
March 29, 2015 at 08:45 am - Permalink