How to display 1d row of 2d data using scaled dimension ?
Jinhyung Kim
I have a simple question.
I want to display 1d row data graph of 2d matrix data using scaled dimension index.
But, for example,
"Display 2Dwave[](20)"
is not work.
How can I do this easily ?
Thank you in advance.
Display 2DWave[][columnIndex]
The ScaleToIndex function was added in Igor7 so, for this to work with Igor6, you also need this:
Function ScaleToIndex(w, scaledIndex, dimension) // Based on help for x2pnt
Wave w
Variable scaledIndex
Variable dimension
Variable offset = DimOffset(w, dimension)
Variable delta = DimDelta(w, dimension)
Variable index = (scaledIndex - offset) / delta
index = round(index)
return index
April 30, 2016 at 08:54 pm - Permalink
I'm using the Igor Pro 7 beta now.
It works.
Thank you again.
May 2, 2016 at 09:31 pm - Permalink