How can I calculate the daily average values of data matrix
Hello, there
How do I calculate the daily average values of the data matrix based on the corresponding time wave, which may lack some hours in one day or some days? If there are any easier method without using the loop after adding missing time points?
AFAIK there is no way to do what you want without writing a loop. I've approached this problem previously by generating a numerical classifier wave, which in your case would have each day as a distinct integer. This wave could then be used to extract the data from the matrix (in a loop, day by day) and generate the average and storing it in a separate wave.
April 1, 2019 at 09:16 am - Permalink
Thanks for the timely answer, sjr51! It's very kind of you to share your experience in the process of calculating data. I also have an idea to calculated the data, but I think the method you provided is better. So I wonder if it is convenient to share the Igor code to me? I would appreciate it very much!
April 1, 2019 at 10:16 pm - Permalink
Sure, here's some old code to do this for a 1D wave. It works in Igor 7 or 8. You'd need to change the code a bit for it to work with 2D waves (for example, Variable nPnts = dimsize(inW,0)).
I don't know how you want to average your data per day, e.g. one value per day (average of all columns and all rows) or average of each column per day. In the former case, you can generate a 1D wave from your matrix which contains the averages of each row and then use that with this code as it is.
Finally, to make your keywave (numerical classifier wave), you could calculate the number of days from the first day/time in your date wave, rounding down using floor(). Hopefully this makes sense!
// i.e. {3,2,4.5,8} and {1,1,2,2}
// Average these per index point.
/// @param keyW
/// @param inW input wave 1D wave with same number of points as keyW
/// @param avgOpt 0 for mean, 1 for median
/// @param errOpt if avgOpt = 0: 0 for sd, 1 for sem; if avgOpt = 1: 0 for MAD, 1 for IQR
Function AverageMultiplePoints(keyW,inW,avgOpt,errOpt)
Wave keyW,inW
Variable avgOpt, errOpt
// need to check that keyW and inW are the same length
Variable nPnts = numpnts(inW)
if(nPnts != numpnts(keyW))
Abort "Wave lengths don't match"
FindDuplicates/RN=uniqueW keyW
WAVE/Z uniqueW
Variable numUniqueVals = numpnts(uniqueW)
String avgName, errName
String medName, q25Name, q75Name
if(avgOpt == 0)
avgName = "avg_" + nameofWave(inW)
Make/O/N=(numUniqueVals) $avgName
Wave avgW = $avgName
if(errOpt == 1)
errName = "sem_" + nameofWave(inW)
Make/O/N=(numUniqueVals) $errName
Wave errW = $errName
elseif(errOpt == 0)
errName = "sd_" + nameofWave(inW)
Make/O/N=(numUniqueVals) $errName
Wave errW = $errName
Abort "Incorrect errOpt"
elseif(avgOpt == 1)
medName = "med_" + nameofWave(inW)
Make/O/N=(numUniqueVals) $medName
Wave medW = $medName
if(errOpt == 1)
q25Name = "q25_" + nameofWave(inW)
q75Name = "q75_" + nameofWave(inW)
Make/O/N=(numUniqueVals) $q25Name,$q75Name
Wave q25W = $q25Name
Wave q75W = $q75Name
elseif(errOpt == 0)
errName = "sd_" + nameofWave(inW)
Make/O/N=(numUniqueVals) $errName
Wave errW = $errName
Abort "Incorrect errVar"
Abort "Incorrect avgVar"
Variable uniqueVal
Variable i
for(i = 0; i < numUniqueVals; i += 1)
uniqueVal = uniqueW[i]
Make/FREE/N=(nPnts) tempW
tempW = (keyW[p] == uniqueVal) ? inW[p] : NaN
WaveTransform zapnans tempW
if(avgOpt == 0)
WaveStats/Q tempW
avgW[i] = V_Avg
if(errOpt == 0)
errW[i] = V_sdev
elseif(errOpt == 1)
errW[i] = V_sem
elseif(avgOpt == 1)
StatsQuantiles/Q tempW
medW[i] = V_Median
if(errOpt == 0)
errW[i] = V_MAD
elseif(errOpt == 1)
q25W[i] = V_Median - V_Q25
q75W[i] = V_Q75 - V_Median
String plotname = "plot_" + NameofWave(inW)
KillWindow/Z $plotname
// check unique wave is contiguous then plot accordingly
if(numUniqueVals - 1 == uniqueW[numUniqueVals - 1] - uniqueW[0])
if(avgOpt == 0)
Display/N=$plotname avgW
Display/N=$plotname medW
if(avgOpt == 0)
Display/N=$plotName avgW vs uniqueW
Display/N=$plotName medW vs uniqueW
// add error bars
if(avgOpt == 0)
ErrorBars/W=$plotName $avgName SHADE= {0,0,(0,0,0,0),(0,0,0,0)},wave=($errName,$errName)
elseif(avgOpt == 1)
if(errOpt == 0)
ErrorBars/W=$plotName $medName SHADE= {0,0,(0,0,0,0),(0,0,0,0)},wave=($errName,$errName)
elseif(errOpt == 1)
ErrorBars/W=$plotName $medName SHADE= {0,0,(0,0,0,0),(0,0,0,0)},wave=($q75Name,$q25Name)
April 2, 2019 at 07:01 am - Permalink
Thanks for sharing your code to me and sorry for the delayed reply! Actually, I have found the method to adjust the code based on the suggestion you posed to me! It's very helpful and thanks again!
April 5, 2019 at 01:57 am - Permalink
In reply to Thanks for sharing your code… by sfz_cn
To reward those who helped you, please share your solution.
April 5, 2019 at 04:10 pm - Permalink