How to append a contour map to a surface gizmo plot in Igor 7
In Igor 7, I dont find any command like "append contours..."
Including "All Gizmo Procedures" in Igor 7 does not work.
I notice in Igor7 one can append RGB images to a gizmo plot, that means I can save a real contour image first and then reload it for gizmo image. This is appearently not straitforward. Does any one know other ways for appending contours?
In general I do not recommend using path objects to attempt to display contours on the surface itself. Paths are appropriate if you want to add the contours with some offset to the surface itself.
I do not recommend using a Gizmo Image to display contours because of the difficulty of scaling all the objects correctly.
Another idea (not using a contour) can be illustrated by the following example:
and add the following recreation macro:
PauseUpdate; Silent 1 // building window...
// Building Gizmo 7 window...
ModifyGizmo startRecMacro=700
ModifyGizmo scalingOption=63
AppendToGizmo Surface=root:ddd,name=surface0
ModifyGizmo ModifyObject=surface0,objectType=surface,property={ srcMode,0}
ModifyGizmo ModifyObject=surface0,objectType=surface,property={ surfaceCTab,Rainbow}
AppendToGizmo Axes=boxAxes,name=axes0
ModifyGizmo ModifyObject=axes0,objectType=Axes,property={-1,axisScalingMode,1}
ModifyGizmo ModifyObject=axes0,objectType=Axes,property={-1,axisColor,0,0,0,1}
ModifyGizmo ModifyObject=axes0,objectType=Axes,property={0,ticks,3}
ModifyGizmo ModifyObject=axes0,objectType=Axes,property={1,ticks,3}
ModifyGizmo ModifyObject=axes0,objectType=Axes,property={2,ticks,3}
ModifyGizmo modifyObject=axes0,objectType=Axes,property={-1,Clipped,0}
AppendToGizmo Surface=root:ddd,name=surface1
ModifyGizmo ModifyObject=surface1,objectType=surface,property={ srcMode,0}
ModifyGizmo ModifyObject=surface1,objectType=surface,property={ surfaceCTab,Rainbow}
ModifyGizmo setDisplayList=0, object=surface0
ModifyGizmo setDisplayList=1, object=axes0
ModifyGizmo setDisplayList=2, opName=translate0, operation=translate, data={0,0,-0.99}
ModifyGizmo setDisplayList=3, opName=scale0, operation=scale, data={1,1,0.001}
ModifyGizmo setDisplayList=4, object=surface1
ModifyGizmo autoscaling=1
ModifyGizmo currentGroupObject=""
ModifyGizmo showInfo
ModifyGizmo infoWindow={933,23,1750,322}
ModifyGizmo endRecMacro
ModifyGizmo SETQUATERNION={0.532829,-0.178963,-0.269674,0.781884}
I hope this helps,
WaveMetrics, Inc.
July 6, 2017 at 12:36 pm - Permalink