Hilbert Transform
I wonder if anybody knows this:
Supposed I have a complex function of ydata + i ydata1. The following is the command I typed:
make /N=100 ydata
•setscale/I x,0,10,ydata
•Display ydata
•hilbertTransform /DEST=ydata1 ydata
•setscale/I x,0,10,ydata1
Now I want to make sure that I could get back ydata, if I hilbert transform ydata1.
•hilbertTransform /DEST=ydatacheck ydata1
•setscale/I x,0,10,ydatacheck
However, you can see from the picture 1 attached that ydatacheck is different from ydata.
May I know why is this so? How can I improve this?
WaveMetrics, Inc.
January 3, 2014 at 10:52 am - Permalink