highlighting specific frequencies in waves

If I have a wave that contains multiple frequencies , how can I highlight where in the data a specific range of frequencies occur? For example, if the data has frequencies between 1 and 500Hz but I am interested in finding where frequencies from 3-5 Hz are present, how would one go about doing this? The duration of the wave is about a minute long.
Do you know how to use the FFT operation?

J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAHuntsville
Thanks for your suggestion.
I was able to get a magnitude vs frequency graph using this command but this is not quite what I want.I am new to signal processing so I am not quite sure if this is something trivial that can be achieved easily. Is it possible to highlight in the original wave when certain frequencies are most dominant?
If your data is a narrowband signal, you can calculate the instantaneous frequency (frequency vs time) (see also the example in displayhelptopic "HilbertTransform")
duplicate/o data, instantphase
hilberttransform/dest=dataH data
unwrap 2*pi, instantphase
differentiate/meth=1 instantphase /d=instantfreq 

For broadband signals, one can calculate a sonogram / spectrogram (see
\WaveMetrics Procedures\Analysis\DSP (Fourier etc)\sonogram.ipf; some documentation in the procedure file itself)<br />
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- Fabrizio</span>