Help with multidimensional wave names

I'm trying to write a basic procedure that will create graphs of different waves loaded from various types of files. I'm loading files in as general text and click on load columns in to matrix box. This way no matter what file i open the wave names will stay the same wave0[][0], wave0[][1] ... I am wondering if there is any way to add several of these together, or since it is one wave with say 80 columns can i not do that? Thanks,

Hello BH,

It is not clear from your question if you are trying to write a procedure for plotting or for "adding"/concatenating waves.

If my guess is right and you want to combine the waves that you are reading from multiple files, you should look at the documentation for the Concatenate operation.

WaveMetrics, Inc.

Sorry i wasn't very clear, I'm trying to write a procedure for plotting. one graph i need to make includes adding together several columns,

wave0[][1] wave0[][2] wave0[][3] Total Counts
0 2 1 3
1 3 1 5
1 0 2 3
0 0 3 3

i have around 80 columns that look like this, all combined in 1 multidimensional wave, because of this i cant seem to be able to add several columns together. say wave0[][1] through wave0[][3] contains counts of particles, i want to add these 3 columns together to come up for total counts. what formula can i use to add wave0[][1], wave0[][2], and wave0[][3] to come up with Total counts?




If wave0 is a numeric wave than you can add the three columns using the syntax:

MatrixOP/O resultWave=col(wave0,0)+col(wave0,1)+col(wave0,2)


WaveMetrics, Inc.