

I have some graphs which show some variables Vs. Time. However I would like to add 'Temperature' to the bottom time axis to show the variables Vs. Time/temperature. I'm just wondering if anyone knows of a method to add extra ticks to the bottom axis of my graphs to display a temperature as well as time? It would have to be a manual method as temperature adjustments were made by myself at known times. Any help would be very much appreciated
You can do this using "User Ticks from Waves" mode with a free axis. Here is an example:

// Make a sample XY graph
Make/O yWave = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}, xWave = {2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16}
Display yWave vs xWave
ModifyGraph mode=4,marker=19
// Make room at the bottom for another axis
ModifyGraph margin(bottom)=72
// Append a free axis and set its position
AppendToGraph /B=bottom2 yWave vs xWave
ModifyGraph freePos(bottom2)=45
// Hide the second version of the trace just appended
ModifyGraph lsize(yWave#1)=0
// Make a text wave containing desired tick labels
Make/O/T TickLabels = {"5.5", "7.7", "8.8", "9.9", "25"}
// Make a tick position wave containing desired tick locations
Make/O TickPositions = {4,6,10,14,15}
// Change bottom2 axis to use "User ticks from Wave" mode
ModifyGraph userticks(bottom2)={TickPositions,TickLabels}

For background information execute these commands:
DisplayHelpTopic "User Ticks from Waves"
DisplayHelpTopic "Types of Axes"