Global Fit x vs y with specified fitting range
I am wishing to fit more than 100 waves with global fit option with the following function
x(y)=0.36*L*(1 - 1/(2*sqrt((0.4*y)/4.14) + (-0.59791*y^0.50421)/(1 + 0.07375*y^0.90649) + 1)) - ((2/3)^(1/3)*k)/(9*y*m^2 + sqrt(3)*sqrt(4*k^3*m^3 + 27*y^2*m^4))^(1/3) + (9*y*m^2 + sqrt(3)*sqrt(4*k^3*m^3 + 27*y^2*m^4))^(1/3)/(2^(1/3)*3^(2/3)*m)
please note that fit should be "x" vs "y", i. e. "y" is the independent variable, fitting parameters are "L", "m" and "k". I would like also to be able to specify fitting range on the graph. Could you pleas tell me if there is a macro which can do this, or how to create one?
I am using 6.34A version of IGOR Pro
Thanks in advance,
Fitting to a data subrange is not presently supported by the Global Fit package. I have attached a procedure file containing a function that will take a list of waves and extract the same subrange from all of them. The procedure includes an item for the Data menu that will put up a dialog to prompt you for the inputs required.
The first input, "WaveList filter string" will be used as the first input to the WaveList function. So to apply the function to all the waves starting with "f" you would type "f*" as the value for the WaveList filter.
The procedure file is attached as a zip file. You need to unzip the file, then put the unzipped file into the Igor Procedures folder. The find the Igor Procedures folder, choose Help->Show Igor Pro User Files. That will open an Explorer window showing the contents of your Igor Pro 6 User Files folder. Put the unzipped file into the Igor Procedures folder you find there, then re-start Igor. After restarting Igor, you will find the new menu item in the Data menu.
John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
December 15, 2014 at 02:33 pm - Permalink