Gizmo contours?

DisplayHelpTopic "Append Contour To Gizmo"
still appears and shows how to add contours to a Gizmo surface. However the main Gizmo menu item no longer includes adding contours.
Do we now have to make our own contour paths?
(IP 9.05 64-bit Windows)
Hi Steve,
The process of extracting the contour traces is still the same; it is not part of Gizmo so it was not integrated into the Gizmo menu. The old Gizmo Procedures folder can be found in the WaveMetrics Procedures folder so you should be able to access the relevant code.
The contour traces consist of XY pair of waves. To add path objects you need to convert these into triplet waves where the z-column is populated by a constant value of the plane where you want to draw the contours (typically above or below the surface). If you want to draw the contours directly on the surface (not recommended) you can set the z-value to be the contour level itself. You will then run into undesirable voxel competition between the contour path and the surface itself.
December 4, 2024 at 09:56 am - Permalink