getwindow wavelist order

I am currently using:
getwindow/Z $temp_str , wavelist
where temp_str is the name of the plot of interest
Initially I hoped this would be exactly what I want, W_wavelist contains almost all the info I need.
The order of the waves however seems to the order the waves were added to the experiment, rather than the order of the waves displayed on the graph.
Is there a way to get a list of the waves displayed on the graph, in the order they were displayed?
Ideally I am looking for a way to programmatically generate the table that is achieved by right clicking in a graph and selecting the "Remove from Graph" option.
As I am putting waves of the same name, but originating from different folders, I really want the full path to the wave.
On a related note, I have tried some workarounds using:
AppendtoGraph\TN = tracename
the result is that I get an "unknown flag" error, even though I am using Igor 6.37
Also I have tried using:
and I get an error stating "ambiguous wave point number", even though I have verified that this wave is in fact on the graph
Any other suggestions?
The /TN flag goes after the Y wave:
AppendToGraph ywave/TN=MyCoolTraceName
I don't think you're showing us enough to figure out what went wrong. It needs to be used someplace where a wave reference is expected, as in the WAVE statement above.
John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
September 14, 2015 at 04:39 pm - Permalink
Thanks for the prompt response, this example code you provided is a great help.
September 15, 2015 at 02:49 pm - Permalink