Getting full paths for traces in one graph

Hi, I have graph with traces, whose wave name is identical but in different path as follows:


To get the full path for those traces, I started with getwavedatafolder, but it doesn't work because the wavename is identical.
Is there any possible way to get the full pathes of those traces?

Thank you


TraceNameToWaveRef(graphNameStr, traceNameStr )
The TraceNameToWaveRef function returns a wave reference to the Y wave corresponding to the given trace in the graph window or subwindow named by graphNameStr.
graphNameStr can be "" to refer to the top graph window.
When identifying a subwindow with graphNameStr, see Subwindow Syntax for details on forming the window hierarchy.
The trace is identified by the string in traceNameStr, which could be a string determined using TraceNameList. Note that the same trace name can refer to different waves in different graphs.
Use Instance Notation to choose from traces in a graph that represent waves of the same name. For example, if traceNameStr is "myWave#2", it refers to the third instance of a wave named "myWave" in the graph ("myWave#0" or just "myWave" is the first instance).

Have a look at
displayhelptopic "User-defined Trace Names"
as well.

string ExpName="C2R4"
appendtograph root:'a.Newdata':EDOPE3:'1Encap':$(PossiblyQuoteName(ExpName)):Transfer_Lin:IDS /TN=$(PossiblyQuoteName(ExpName))

Thanks Andy,

I tried as you suggested, but tracenametowaveRef returns for all the wave identical wavename of "IDN" because traces are from waves with same name but in different pathes.

hegedus wrote:


TraceNameToWaveRef(graphNameStr, traceNameStr )
The TraceNameToWaveRef function returns a wave reference to the Y wave corresponding to the given trace in the graph window or subwindow named by graphNameStr.
graphNameStr can be "" to refer to the top graph window.
When identifying a subwindow with graphNameStr, see Subwindow Syntax for details on forming the window hierarchy.
The trace is identified by the string in traceNameStr, which could be a string determined using TraceNameList. Note that the same trace name can refer to different waves in different graphs.
Use Instance Notation to choose from traces in a graph that represent waves of the same name. For example, if traceNameStr is "myWave#2", it refers to the third instance of a wave named "myWave" in the graph ("myWave#0" or just "myWave" is the first instance).


Thanks Andy,

I tried as you suggested, but tracenametowaveRef returns for all the wave identical wavename of "IDN" because traces are from waves with same name but in different pathes.

hegedus wrote:


TraceNameToWaveRef(graphNameStr, traceNameStr )
The TraceNameToWaveRef function returns a wave reference to the Y wave corresponding to the given trace in the graph window or subwindow named by graphNameStr.
graphNameStr can be "" to refer to the top graph window.
When identifying a subwindow with graphNameStr, see Subwindow Syntax for details on forming the window hierarchy.
The trace is identified by the string in traceNameStr, which could be a string determined using TraceNameList. Note that the same trace name can refer to different waves in different graphs.
Use Instance Notation to choose from traces in a graph that represent waves of the same name. For example, if traceNameStr is "myWave#2", it refers to the third instance of a wave named "myWave" in the graph ("myWave#0" or just "myWave" is the first instance).


But GetWavesDataFolder(TraceNameToWaveRef(tracename), 2) will return a string that includes the full path, including the part that is different amongst the various traces.

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
Oh, It works!!
I do appreciate your helpful comment!

johnweeks wrote:
But GetWavesDataFolder(TraceNameToWaveRef(tracename), 2) will return a string that includes the full path, including the part that is different amongst the various traces.

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.