Getting the data folder of a wave in the top graph.

I have a compilation experiment that contains many folders of data. I want to work with the waves in the top graph. Please excuse me for this, I haven't worked with data folders before...

Function iMaxCalc()
    String list = TraceNameList( "", ";", 1), maxWave                                      //gets waves in top graph
    Variable numItems = ItemsInList( list ), i, y_Max, y_Min, lengthh, x_Max   //variables
        maxWave = stringfromlist(i,list,";")             //gets the first listed wave
        print maxWave                                         //prints the name for reference
        Wave workingWaveY = $maxWave             //should reference workingWaveY to the name of the wave gotten in the first part.. doesn't work... probably due to being in the wrong data folder
        Print GetWavesDataFolder(workingWaveY,1) //doesn't work because the above didn't work

How am I supposed to get the data folder for the wave before being able to make a wave reference using the wave's name?

In fact, the "Wave" statement doesn't work even if I manually set it to the right data folder... (It does work if I manually type in the data folder's path into the procedure, but then it's a chicken and the egg type problem, see below.)

Wave workingWaveY = $("root:LSVCompilationTrimmed:'040815_650CH3Cl_CH4_Cl':" + maxWave)

Works, but doesn't help me.

(Yes, I know a different command is recommended than GetWavesDataFolder, but I just wanted to see if it knew where it was, and this command returned the full path, wasn't sure if a data folder reference would print or not...)

The full path for the first wave in the list should be this ... root:LSVCompilationTrimmed:'040815_650CH3Cl_CH4_Cl':'1606Methane2.0_0pmaLSV2_0'
You'd be better off rewriting your function like this:
Function iMaxCalc()
    Variable index = 0
        WAVE/Z workingWaveY = WaveRefIndexed("", index, 1)
        if (!WaveExists(workingWaveY))
        index += 1
       while (1)

Alternately, you could use TraceNameList to get a list of trace names and then use TraceNameToWaveRef to get a wave reference to the corresponding Y wave for each trace.
aclight wrote:
You'd be better off rewriting your function like this:
Function iMaxCalc()
    Variable index = 0
        WAVE/Z workingWaveY = WaveRefIndexed("", index, 1)
        if (!WaveExists(workingWaveY))
        index += 1
       while (1)

Alternately, you could use TraceNameList to get a list of trace names and then use TraceNameToWaveRef to get a wave reference to the corresponding Y wave for each trace.

Ah, traceNametoWaveRef works well. That's the magic keyword I was looking for that did what I wanted. Works super well, thanks.
And, the final procedure. It takes a graph with waves starting with the time and ending with _0 for the Y wave and _1 for the X wave and calculates their slope, x intercept, and time since I turned chlorine on. For example, the wave names could be "1604wave_0" and "1604wave_1" for the Y and X wave respectively. It initially asks the user for a time in minutes and seconds. Say I turned the chlorine on at 1416. So it'd be 14 hours 16 minutes. It then calculates all of those things and outputs them to the history. Yes, I could easily do this by hand, but when you have a few dozen sets of data to do this with, it gets tedious quickly. Yes, the program assumes that my waves start at an x value of 0, and that they are ROUGHLY linear. I'm not calculating the exact number, it's more of an estimate.

I wasn't sure how to do degree minute second math in igor, so I just did it manually by multiplying and dividing by 60 when necessary.

#pragma rtGlobals=3     // Use modern global access method and strict wave access.
Menu "Macros"
    "iMaxCalc", iMaxCalc()
//Macro iMaxCalc()
//  iMaxCalc()
Function iMaxCalc()
    String list = TraceNameList( "", ";", 1), maxWave, folderName
    Variable numItems = ItemsInList( list ), i, y_Max, y_Min, lengthh, x_Max, iMax, slope,timeHours,timeMins,timeExtra,origTimeHours=14,origTimeMins=16
    Prompt origTimeHours, "Enter Hours"
    Prompt origTimeMins, "Enter Mins"
    DoPrompt "Enter Time", origTimeHours, origTimeMins
        maxWave = stringfromlist(i,list)
        lengthh = strlen(maxWave) -3
        Wave workingWaveY = tracenametowaveref("", maxWave)
        y_Max = WaveMax(workingWaveY)
        y_Min = WaveMin(workingWaveY)
        maxWave = maxWave[0,lengthh] + "1'"
//      print maxWave
//      folderName = GetWavesDataFolder(workingWaveY,1)
        Wave workingWaveX = $(GetWavesDataFolder(workingWaveY,1) + maxWave)
        x_Max = WaveMax(workingWaveX)
        slope = (y_Max-y_Min)/(0-x_Max)
        iMax = ((-y_Max)/slope)
        slope = slope*1000
        timeHours = str2num(maxWave[1,2])
        timeMins = str2num(maxWave[3,4])
        timeExtra = timeHours + (timeMins /60)
        timeExtra = (timeExtra - (origTimeHours + (origTimeMins/60)))*60
        Print "Time: " + maxWave[1,4]
        Print "Cl Time: " + num2str(timeExtra)
        Print "iMax: " + num2str(iMax)
        Print "Slope: " + num2str(slope)
        Print "**************"

TestData.pxp (110.33 KB)