Funcfit: it seems the procedure is trying parameter values outside of the constraints

Is it supposed to be like this, from the least square fitting algorithm?
Any idea will be much appreciated. (Sorry I could not provide my code here due to various reasons.)
The scheme can be confused by "infeasible" constraints. A ridiculous example would be 1 < w[0] and w[0] > 2. Naturally, no one would write such a thing on purpose, but infeasible constraints are pretty easy to write that aren't that obvious. When faced with infeasible constraints, the system finds a compromise that tries to minimize the constraint violations.
If your basic fit is unstable, and some iteration goes off into cyberspace, it is possible that the optimizer that applies the constraints can fail. In that case, the whole fit goes south...
If you would like, you can send an Igor experiment file containing your fit function and data to support@wavemetrics.com for further investigation. You code and data would be treated as confidential information.
John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
June 17, 2014 at 10:00 am - Permalink