Fitting Results Window

Typically when we perform a fit in IGOR, a "Fit Progress" window pops-up, eventually displaying the fitting results.
I am now performing a series of hundreds of fits, over hundreds of sections of a very large wave.
This means, that given the behavior above, the "Fit progress" window is constantly flashing as the different fit results are displayed.
This would not be a big problem if I did not have to wait several minutes for the whole thing to be done, and in the meantime the cursor is taken atop of the OK button of that window, effectively sequestering it given that the sequence of pop-ups is relatively fast.
Can anyone suggest anything to change this behavior, such as not displaying the window at all? /Q flag does not do the trick, it seems.
Many thanks,
I can do CTRL+Esc, or press the window button for example which brings me to the start menu of windows - is there an alternative to have the fitting being done in the background?
? Also have a look at V_FitOptions in "Special Variables for Curve Fitting".March 30, 2017 at 10:04 am - Permalink
with /W=0, this was the problem. Thank you!March 31, 2017 at 02:55 am - Permalink
John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
March 31, 2017 at 08:46 am - Permalink