fitting Laguerre Gaussian beam with LaguerreA

I'm trouble,
I had experimental data of a Gaussian beam.
I would find the features of it. My idea is created user function and fitting my data with the LaguerreA function but when I used It, the fit appear only as Gaussian (I put P=0, l =1).
Do you have an Idea for resolved that ?

It's possible to fit with use complex value ?

Hello Kox,

In most situations one measures the intensity not the complex field. If that is the case, you would not need to fit the complex expression but rather the squared magnitude of the field.

I am assuming further that you have fixed the mode parameters so that the degree and index of the LaguerreA are fixed with respect to the fitting process. For more specific help please post the exact expression that you are trying to fit and the user function you wrote.

WaveMetrics, Inc.