Findduplicates UN + UNC + TOL

The documentation states that UN and UNC flags are not compatible with the RN flag which is fine. I am trying to also incorporate the TOL flag but getting an error so I am guessing it is incompatible (partly because it says so). Is it possible to have TOL and UN/UNC combined? I am using IP9.
I am exploring work arounds using histograms.
It's the /UN flag that doesn't like /TOL. I can see an argument that if you allow a range of values to count as duplicates, what value do you put in the /UN wave?
July 14, 2021 at 11:08 am - Permalink
My objective is get both values within a tolerance as well as the number of points within that group. A histogram has some hard boundaries which I would like to avoid. I have done a test with
Input wave is 655400 points of values between 0 and 100.
The test wave is showing 25 non-dupe values and the text wave has 246 points so they do line up.
Fail back is to write a function to first do the findduplicates with tolerance and then loop through the original wave testing each found value. Just hoping to use an existing function.
July 14, 2021 at 11:38 am - Permalink
The /UN flag is not going to have tolerance because that, by definition, implies it is not an exact duplicate. I think you can get the results that you want in one line of matrixop involving the within() function.
July 14, 2021 at 12:04 pm - Permalink