Find xMax and delta x from scaled Ydata.
I have a set of waves Ydata which has x-scaling such that when I plot XvsY (Ydata=wave Xdata=calculated) everything is correct.
Is there a way to recover minValue, maxValue and delta of the xscaling from the Ydata?
I would like to shift the Ydata along the xaxis and I was trying to use the SetScale function as follows but then realised I didn't now how to call up the start or the delta of a pre-scaled wave.
SetScale/P x (start+A),delta,"", wavename
I killed my x-waves as part of my load procedure to avoid cluttering but now I feel I may have to bring them back. Is there a way to at least find the minimum point and the delta from scaled Ydata?
I think I can use Wavestats to find the V_minloc which i think will give me the first point (My graphs are gaussian fits of data sets) but to find the delta I have no idea.
To clarify:
If i have a graph Y=X.
I want to take the Y data and change the scaling for example shift 2 units and give the resultant graph Y=X-2.
Can anyone help me?
will give you the X value corresponding to point zero.The function
will give you the X value corresonding to the pointnumpnts(wave)
, a non-existent point. It is conceptually the right edge of the X range of the last point.You can get the X value of the true last point using
pnt2x(wave, numpnts(wave)-1)
or withleftx(wave)+(numpnts(wave)-1)*deltax(wave)
.These are old functions that apply only to 1D waves. If you need similar information for waves with more than one dimension, use
, andDimSize()
.John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
September 14, 2015 at 09:52 am - Permalink
Thanks for the speedy reply!
This looks like it will do the trick! =)
Thanks again,
September 14, 2015 at 09:59 am - Permalink