Fill to next on a Polar graph
J-E Petit
I'd like to display a 1D wave (called E_mx), as well as its 95% confidence interval (so 2 1D wave called E_mx_up and E_mx_down), on a polar projection.
The regular graph (cartesian coordinates) give something very satisfactory using "Fill to next" for the E_mx_down trace. See image attached.
But whenever I try this on a polar graph, it doesn't do what it's supposed to do (or what I want it to do). Also see image attached. I thought it was a problem of trace order, but it doesn't have any impact.
Any hint?
If you can create an xy pair of waves encircling the area, you can use DrawPoly.
Good idea for a new feature, also.
Larry Hutchinson
April 23, 2015 at 11:48 am - Permalink