Extracting data from 2D wave

Is there an easy way, other than copy and paste from 2D wave, to extract the data that belongs to a particular row but the entire column from a two dimensional wave (56*71). The display command allows me to trace the curve of the row but does not allow to extract the data.
There are several ways to extract data from a 2D wave. I din't quite get what you wanted to do but let's say you want to take row 20 from your 56 row 71 column 2D wave.
MatrixOp yourRow = row(your2Dwave,20) is one fast way to get the data in a new wave. Other methods include Duplicate/O/RMD=[20][] your2Dwave,yourRow, or using a wave assigment.
sjr51 wrote:
There are several ways to extract data from a 2D wave. I din't quite get what you wanted to do but let's say you want to take row 20 from your 56 row 71 column 2D wave.
MatrixOp yourRow = row(your2Dwave,20) is one fast way to get the data in a new wave. Other methods include Duplicate/O/RMD=[20][] your2Dwave,yourRow, or using a wave assigment.

Well, the MatrixOp command works fine for me. For command using Duplicate it says unknown flag and cursor points out at RMD.
Actually, I was trying to fit a curve setting the cursor between the two points of a given row. I can trace the curve for the new set of data obtained using MatrixOP command similar to that obtained by using the display command for the 2D wave. However I don't see the name of the wave (obtained from MatrixOp) in a drop down menu of y data to fit the curve, but the name appears in the root folder. I can do quick fit but it takes the entire set of data. Any suggestions.
The /RMD flag only works in IP7. I guess you are using 6.3*?

I think the problem you describe is because the result of MatrixOp is a 1 row, multi column 2D wave. To see it in the list, it needs to be a 1D wave. You need to redimension the wave. Use the dialog box for this, it's more intuitive than the command line. Data > Redimension Waves... (at least that is the menu setup in IP7).

I think if you use MatrixTranspose, that will still give a 2D wave (multi row and 1 column) which will need redimensioning (you need multirow, 0 columns).
sjr51 wrote:
The /RMD flag only works in IP7. I guess you are using 6.3*?

I think the problem you describe is because the result of MatrixOp is a 1 row, multi column 2D wave. To see it in the list, it needs to be a 1D wave. You need to redimension the wave. Use the dialog box for this, it's more intuitive than the command line. Data > Redimension Waves... (at least that is the menu setup in IP7).

I think if you use MatrixTranspose, that will still give a 2D wave (multi row and 1 column) which will need redimensioning (you need multirow, 0 columns).

I use 6.37.
It works now after redimensioning the wave. Thank you so much.
If you are already using MatrixOP there is no need to redimension afterwards, just transpose the wave.

    Make/O/N=(10, 5) data
    MatrixOP/O result  = row(data, 5)^t
    print result