Export Magnified Version of Graph


I need to re-export graphs in a bigger size. Igor has a nice magnification function in "Modify Graph". Is it possible to export these graphs as I see them in their magnified format? Or do I have to tediously re-size everything to try to make it look the same and then export?


Near as I can tell the effect of magnifying from the Modify Graph dialog is identical to the effect of exporting a vector graphic format (Enhanced Metafile or PDF on Windows, not sure if Igor still offers something else for mac) and then scaling up in other software...even including the behavior like thicker line traces that are the very reason I normally try not to have to scale after exporting. Are you pasting into a software package that doesn't let you resize graphics? Or doesn't accept vector formats?. My guess is bitmap export + scale up in external software would also work, but you might need to enforce a higher resolution to get the same effect as magnify from within Igor.
Both the Edit->Export Graphics dialog (copies to clipboard) and the File->Save Graphics operation allow you to specify the size of the exported graphic. Igor then draws the graph for exporting at the size you specify, as if you had set the window to that size.