Export graphics without borders
I can get rid of axis and ticks - but how can I export graphics without borders?
I end up having to do some trimming in Photoshop every time - a step I would prefer to avoid.
I would like to export an image that only includes the image data - no border of any type.
Any help is appreciated.
NewImage theWave
ModifyGraph nticks=0,noLabel=2,axThick=0
ModifyGraph margin=-1
SavePICT/E=-5/B=72 // Saves as a .png file with no border
SavePICT/E=-2 // Saves as Quartz .pdf with no border
The key is to set the graph margins correctly. A value of -1 means no margin (a value of 0 means automatic margins, which is the default).
September 15, 2010 at 08:37 am - Permalink