Embedding images for custom procedure interfaces

Hi all,

I am working on a tool to enable some graduate students to interact with and fit some uptake data. The idea is to make the task of fitting a very specific type of data repeatedly simple on the novice user, so I am embedding everything into button-driven dialogs.

The code can easily be distributed in a couple of procedure files the users can drop in their User Procedures folder. But how do I include the more 'eye-candy' elements of the interface such as images? For example, I have a panel that drives the fitting of a generalised logistic function (see attached image), which shows the formula pertaining to the fit parameters as an embedded .png at the top. How should this .png (and others) get distributed to users? And how would I then load such elements when executing the code?



Panel with embedded png at top

For more information, execute this command from Igor's command line:

DisplayHelpTopic "Proc Pictures"