I have many spectra plotted on a graph, each with its own label (annotation).
Is there a way to select all the annotations and edit the text (for example font size)?
They follow the graph size (Modify Graph...) if that helps.
This might also help:
#pragma TextEncoding = "Windows-1252"#pragma rtGlobals=3// Use modern global access method and strict wave access.#include<AnnotationInfo Procs>Window TestGraph0() : GraphPauseUpdate; Silent1// building window...Display/W=(155.25,51.5,549.75,260) jack
ModifyGraph zColor(jack)={jack,*,*,Grays}TextBox/C/N=text0/A=MC/X=0.46/Y=18.96"\\Z18This is an annotation with a fixed size"TextBox/C/N=text1/A=MC/X=-25.23/Y=44.55"This is an annotation with no size"TextBox/C/N=text2/A=MC/X=-3.24/Y=-3.32"\\Zr150This is an annotation with a relative font size"Tag/C/N=text3/X=1.62/Y=-16.11 jack, 38, "Tag with default font size"Tag/C/N=text4/X=6.12/Y=4.86 bottom, 64, "tag connected to bottom axis"ColorScale/C/N=text5/A=MC/X=43.75/Y=13.74 trace=jack
AppendText"Default size axis text"Legend/C/N=text6/J/X=24.77/Y=11.37"\\s(jack) jack is a legend (default font size)"EndMacroMenu"Graph""-"Submenu"Annotation Font Sizes""6 points",/Q, ChangeAnnotationsFontSize(WinName(0,1), 6, 0)"8 points",/Q, ChangeAnnotationsFontSize(WinName(0,1), 8, 0)"10 points",/Q, ChangeAnnotationsFontSize(WinName(0,1), 10, 0)"12 points",/Q, ChangeAnnotationsFontSize(WinName(0,1), 12, 0)"16 points",/Q, ChangeAnnotationsFontSize(WinName(0,1), 16, 0)"24 points",/Q, ChangeAnnotationsFontSize(WinName(0,1), 24, 0)"-""50%",/Q, ChangeAnnotationsFontSize(WinName(0,1), 50, 1)"66%",/Q, ChangeAnnotationsFontSize(WinName(0,1), 66, 1)"75%",/Q, ChangeAnnotationsFontSize(WinName(0,1), 75, 1)"88%",/Q, ChangeAnnotationsFontSize(WinName(0,1), 88, 1)"\\M0::100% (default)",/Q, ChangeAnnotationsFontSize(WinName(0,1), 0, 0)"125%",/Q, ChangeAnnotationsFontSize(WinName(0,1), 125, 1)"150%",/Q, ChangeAnnotationsFontSize(WinName(0,1), 150, 1)"175%",/Q, ChangeAnnotationsFontSize(WinName(0,1), 175, 1)"200%",/Q, ChangeAnnotationsFontSize(WinName(0,1), 200, 1)End"-"EndFunction ChangeAnnotationsFontSize(win, newFontSize, isRelative)String win // graph or layoutVariable newFontSize // points or percent. Use 0 to remove font size from annotation.Variable isRelative // if true, then newFontSize is relative font size in percentString list = AnnotationList(win)Variablei, numBoxes = ItemsInList(list)for(i=0;i<numBoxes;i+=1)String thisBox = StringFromList(i, list )String infoStr = AnnotationInfo(win, thisBox )String text = AnnotationText(infoStr)
text= RewriteAnnotationTextSize(text, newFontSize, isRelative)String type = AnnotationType(infoStr)// "Tag", "TextBox", "ColorScale", or "Legend"String cmd=""strswitch(type)case"Tag":
String ywave= AnnotationYWave(infoStr)Variable xAttach= AnnotationAttachX(infoStr)sprintf cmd, "%s/C/N=%s %s, %.14g, \"%s\"", type, thisBox, ywave, xAttach, text
// ColorScales have a font size that's normally 0 (graph font size)// in addition to the axis label \Z stuff// so they're not adjusted here.break// comment out this line to treat the axis label of a Colorscale just like a Textbox
sprintf cmd, "%s/C/N=%s \"%s\"", type, thisBox, text
breakendswitchif(strlen(cmd))Execute/Q/Z cmd // remove /Q if you want to see the executed commands//Print cmdendifendforEndFunction/S RewriteAnnotationTextSize(text, newFontSize, isRelative)String text // TextBox/C/N=text2/A=MC/X=-3.24/Y=-3.32 "\\Zr150This is an annotation with a relative font size"Variable newFontSize // 0 to remove font size, 18 for 18 point, 150 for 150%Variable isRelative // if true, then newFontSize is relative font size in percent// rewrites only the initial font size escape code in the text.Variable slashZrStartPos = strsearch(text, "\\\\Zr" , 0)Variable slashZStartPos = strsearch(text, "\\\\Z" , 0)// handle the case where the text has both \\Z and \\ZrVariable startPos, endPos, foundRelative=0if( slashZrStartPos >= 0&& slashZStartPos >= 0)if( slashZrStartPos <= slashZStartPos )// == if only \\Zr
startPos= slashZrStartPos
startPos= slashZStartPos
endifelseif(slashZrStartPos >= 0)
startPos= slashZrStartPos
startPos= slashZStartPos
endifif( startPos >= 0)// \\Z foundif( foundRelative )
endPos = startPos + strlen("\\\\Zrnnn")-1// note: strlen("\\Z") is only 2else
endPos = startPos + strlen("\\\\Zdd")-1endifendifString replaceWith=""if( newFontSize )if( isRelative )sprintf replaceWith, "\\\\Zr%03d", newFontSize
elsesprintf replaceWith, "\\\\Z%02d", newFontSize
endifendifif( startPos <0)
text = replaceWith + text
text[startPos, endPos] = replaceWith
endifreturn text
This might also help:
--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.
January 20, 2018 at 12:38 pm - Permalink
J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAH
January 20, 2018 at 04:18 pm - Permalink