Edge Detection with ROI Broken(?)

I use the edge detection dialog with the live display so I can test out various algorithms available. When the dialog box is open and in live mode it seems to work as expected both with and without an ROI. I then select do it and look at the W_imageEdges wave to see the result. When I do not have an ROI enables the resulting wave (image) matches that during the dialog box live display. However, if I use an ROI and the resulting wave/image does not match at all what is seem during the dialog viewing.
Is something amisss or is my exception incorrect?

Please note bug reports should be sent to support@wavemetrics.com.
This has been fixed for the next IP7 and IP8 builds.
WaveMetrics, Inc.
April 30, 2018 at 03:30 pm - Permalink
I understand it was not a trivial problem. Great work and response as always.
April 30, 2018 at 08:32 pm - Permalink