Dynamic User Menu question

I am using a dynamic user menu which has two submenus, each filled with a number of items which represent different loaded data sets. Recently I saw that if the number of items is too large (the help file says 31 items on Windows) that not all items are shown. My idea now was to create more dynamic SubMenus (each submenu for a particular date, when the data was acquired and fill it with items/datasets of that particular date), but now the issue is how (if it is even possible) to make dynamic SubMenus? I do not know before running the package how many SubMenus will be needed, so I would like to know if it is possible to create dynamic SubMenus (similar to menu items, where if there is a null string the item is not shown - I already checked with SubMenu but it seems not to work there), or if anyone has any idea how to tackle this issue? I would be really grateful.
One example would be the built-in menu Windows>Graphs which "dynamically" adds a new subfolder when it gets too full ...
--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.
August 5, 2014 at 10:46 am - Permalink
My User Menu
- Item 1 --> function 1 on files selected by dates
- Item 2 --> function 2 on files selected by dates
... do this ...
My User Menu --> each sub-menu calls a master function with a dialog prompt
- Date 1
- Date 2
- Date 3
... (populated as far as needs to be by dates)
Master Function(date)
--> popup selection
- function to run (popup choice 1 or choice 2)
- file to run (popup list of files run on given date)
J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAHuntsville
August 5, 2014 at 11:06 am - Permalink
Jim: I was afraid that this is not doable in IGOR now. Maybe this could be a "request" for IGOR 7.0?
jjweimer: Yes, I was thinking of a similar solution if it would not be possible to use dynamic SubMenus ...
Gregor Kladnik
ALOISA beamline @ Elettra synchrotron
August 6, 2014 at 03:39 am - Permalink