Divide a 3D wave by a 1D wave layer by layer
I am trying to improve the speed of a function which divides each layer of a 3D wave by a scaler read from a 1D wave with the same number of pnts as the number of layers in the 3D wave. I cant figure out the correct MatrixOp expression or if it is even possible to do this. I can do the manipulation with the p,q,r indexers just fine:
Function testfunc()
Make/O/N=(256,256,600) images = 0
Make/O/N=600 wav2=p+1
Duplicate/O images result
multithread result=images[p][q][r]/wav2[r]
any suggestions?
Make/O/N=(256,256,600) images = 0
Make/O/N=600 wav2=p+1
Duplicate/O images result
multithread result=images[p][q][r]/wav2[r]
any suggestions?
3d and just make the division?Make/O/N=(256,256,600) w_wav2 = r/2 //
matrixop/o w_res = w_images / w_wav2 // w_res now contains 2 everywhere except first layer
idk which is faster.
variable v_t0
variable i=0
make/o/n=(256,256,600) w_images = r
make/o/n=600 w_beam = p/2
make/o/n=(256,256,600) w_res = 0
make/o/n=(256,256,600) w_div = r/2
v_t0 = ticks
for (i=0; i<10; i+=1)
// multithread w_res = w_images[p][q][r] / w_beam[r] // 1
// w_res = w_images[p][q][r] / w_beam[r] // 2
// matrixop/o w_res = w_images / w_div // 3
print (ticks-v_t0)/60/i
March 9, 2018 at 01:34 am - Permalink
// Test Function
Make/O/N=(256,256,600) Images
Make/O/FREE/N=(256) Wave1
Make/O/FREE/N=(1,1,600) Wave3
FastOP Wave1=1
MultiThread Wave3=r
FastOP Wave3=Wave3+1
MatrixOP/O Result=Images / (Wave1 x Wave3 x Wave1^t)
March 9, 2018 at 01:52 am - Permalink
edit: removed the "= 0" from the make w_res command and everything sped up but option 4 is still the fastest by ~4x
Make/O/N=(256,256,600) images = 100
Make/O/N=(600) I_total = p/100+1
variable v_t0 = ticks
////Option 1:
//Make/O/N=(256,256,600) w_res = 0
//Make/FREE/O/N=(256,256,600) wave1 = I_total[r]
//MatrixOp/O w_res = images/wave1
////Time: 2.97 sec
////Option 2:
// Make/O/N=(256,256,600) w_res = 0
// multithread w_res = images[p][q][r]/i_total[r]
////Time: 1.54 sec
////Option 3:
//Make/O/N=(256,256,600) w_res = 0
//w_res = images[p][q][r]/i_total[r]
////Time: 3.54 sec
////Option 4:
Make/FREE/O/N=(256) w1
Make/FREE/O/N=(1,1,600) w2
FastOp w1 = 1
Multithread w2 = I_total[r]
MatrixOp/O w_res = Images / (w1 x w2 x w1^t)
////Time: 0.09975 sec
print (ticks-v_t0)/60.15
March 9, 2018 at 08:43 am - Permalink
make/n=(10,20,30) ddd=1+z
make/n=(1,1,30)/o eee=1+z
// Remember that matrixop works on a layer by layer basis:
matrixop/o aa=ddd*rec(eee)
March 9, 2018 at 12:13 pm - Permalink
I get an error when I run that "While executing MatrixOP the following error occurred: Bad MatrixOPs token."
PS: I use Igor 6.37
March 19, 2018 at 02:55 am - Permalink
Igor 6.x is a bit old and does not support the full range of options that are available in IP7 or IP8. I really recommend upgrading to IP7. If you upgrade now you will get a free upgrade to IP8.
March 19, 2018 at 10:31 am - Permalink