Density plot from X/Y data

How would I go about creating a density plot from X and Y data in two separate (one dimensional) waves? Ideally I would like to add this at the end of a function I wrote.
If I'm unclear as to what I mean by "density plot", I mean something like the graph under "Density" in this link: http://www.denovosoftware.com/site/2dplots.shtml
Thanks a lot!
I went through this a few months ago. I created density plots like those using bivariate histogram 2.ipf - discussed here:
Specifically, this answer http://www.igorexchange.com/node/4651#comment-7474
There's also another routine on IgorExchange to do this - discussed here:
The second one was a lot faster when I tested it out, but I preferred the one that is in Igor already.
Hope this helps.
April 22, 2014 at 12:55 pm - Permalink
Thanks for the reply. Yes that was what I was after, cheers! Unfortunately I won't be able to use this method because I lose a lot of data at the "edges" which I suppose is inevitable with the binning. I'll keep this in mind though.
April 23, 2014 at 02:48 am - Permalink