deleting points from graph

Hallo,I'm new in Igor and I wonder if there is an easy and efficient way to delete points (line selecting an interval of points) from a graph.
I found delete points but this is (I guess)is only for single point.
Thank you for your help.
DeletePoints can also be used to delete a range of points (see the syntax). But this is only from tables or the command line, if that is enough for you. As far as I know, there is no simple way to delete points directly from a graph. Be aware, that deleting points from a dataset poses possible problems, especially when you data is not in an XY-pair format but as a scaled format. Deleting points then could possibly shift your data on the x-scale.
To start, try choosing File->Example Experiments->Techniques->Delete XY Points Demo, assuming your data is XY pairs.

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