day of year hour minute to date?

I have a text file with times in the format: day of year hour minute
such as:

these are the 213th day in 2006, at 6:30AM, 7:30AM, 8:30AM etc....
The year isn't specified in the data, so I will have to enter this manually somehow.
Does anyone have advice on how to do get this into a date and time wave?
I am trying to calculate this into seconds since 1/1/1904, then I can use the DateTime function.
If this works, I'm having trouble figuring out how many seconds IGOR figures is in a year. (it would be 31556925.947 sec using 365.242198781 days in a year)
Any advice would be great!!
Thank you,
I got this solved with tech support at WaveMetrics, thanks to Howard Rodstein.
For the record, here is the solution:
Constant kSecondsPerDay = 86400
Constant secondsPerHour = 3600
Function EncodedDateToElapsedTime(encodedDateStr)
    String encodedDateStr   // e.g., "2130630"
    Variable dayOfYear = str2num(encodedDateStr[0,2])
    Variable hour = str2num(encodedDateStr[3,4])
    Variable minute = str2num(encodedDateStr[5,6])
    Variable result = kSecondsPerDay* dayOfYear + secondsPerHour*hour + 60*minute
    return result
// ConvertToIgorDateTime(tw, year, outputName)
// tw is a text wave containing date/times encoded like this:
//  2130630 Day 213 of the specified year, time = 06:30
// Example:
//  Make/T testIn = {"2130630", "2130730", "2130830"}
//  ConvertToIgorDateTime(testIn, 2006, "testOut")
//  Edit testIn, testOut
Function ConvertToIgorDateTime(tw, year, outputName)
    Wave/T tw
    Variable year       // e.g., 2006
    String outputName   // Name for output wave
    Variable numPoints = numpnts(tw)
    Make/O/N=(numPoints)/D $outputName
    Wave w = $outputName
    SetScale d, 0, 0, "dat", w      // Mark as date/time wave
    Variable startOfYear = Date2Secs(year, 1, 1)
    w = startOfYear + EncodedDateToElapsedTime(tw)