Data Folder Note?

It seems like there must be as the number of waves, variables, etc. are displayed in the data browser note area.
Is there some way to access this?
It would be great to have something like: Note DF, "string"
There is no data folder note. However, you can create a string variable (String/G) in any data folder and this can be used the same as the data folder note if it existed.
August 18, 2011 at 04:06 pm - Permalink
I was hoping to have a way to not open the file - once you open it of course you know what is in it.
With many many files, having a file note with key parameters would allow for faster finding of the folder of interest.
Thanks anyway - maybe I'll put in a feature request for the next version.
August 18, 2011 at 04:42 pm - Permalink
I don't know what you mean by "open the file".
I thought the issue was a data folder note, not a "file note".
August 18, 2011 at 06:36 pm - Permalink
August 22, 2011 at 09:47 am - Permalink
The snapshot release of LogBook now allows this ... see here for the download and information.
J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAHuntsville
October 4, 2011 at 05:37 pm - Permalink
Thanks - I tried it out, seems fairly useful, but not 100% of what I was looking for.
Is there a way to programmatically use the Logbook?
When I write a string in the main active text area of the folder tab and toggle between different folders, the string is overwritten when I toggle back.
I understand I can save the string and have it reside in that specific folder, but this leads to the same problem that I have to open a folder to view those contents.
I am really hoping for a method of programmatically writing a few key parameters as folder notes so that I can toggle between folders and without opening them until I find the one I am interested in.
Maybe I should explain a bit more of what I am hoping to accomplish:
The way I usually work is to programmatically open an entire set of data, automatically making a new data folder for each data run.
I have an analysis routine that analyzes each data run and generates many waves in the corresponding datafolder.
It would be nice to write a few key parameters to a datafolder note that could be displayed in the databrowser info area (or an equivalent area of the logbook) such that I can quickly scan through datafolders without opening them to find the folders that are most interesting/need further examination.
For that matter it would be a great trick if I could programmatically change the background color of the info area of the databrowser (or at least the text color) to make it even speedier to find the folders I want.
I appreciate the help.
October 5, 2011 at 07:52 am - Permalink
The commands LogBoook#LogToNotebook(...) and LogBook#LogToFolder(...) would be a start.
Yes. I am going to change the way this works in any case, using just one string specific string for the logbook package.
I think I understand what you want and could probably make it happen to a greater extent in the package. Let's continue this discussion off-line.
J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAHuntsville
October 5, 2011 at 08:34 am - Permalink