Curve fitting a frequency sweep (user defined function)

the equation i use is the following:
f0= ln(K0)
f1= (ln(k1)-f0)/StimDur
f3= mod(f2,2*pi)
f(x) = Amp*sin(f2*e^(f1*x)- f3)
this equation was actually taken from one of the sample igor files.
Fit coefficients:
K0 is the start frequency (Hz)
K1 is the end frequency (Hz)
StimDur is the stimulus duration (s)
I believe F3 is there to ensure that the sin wave always begins at zero and goes positive.
i can successfully generate a wave with this function and use the same function to get a good fit to the generated wave.
my problem arises when i try to fit the function to some real data (acquired at the output of an amplifier, see attached file).
the fit i obtain does not even come close despite the fact that it only takes a couple of iterations to reach the cut off chi squared delta.
my goal is to remove/notch out/subtract the fundamental from the amplifier output and obtain a total harmonic distortion measurment (THD). Since THD measurements don't include phase errors the curve fit needs to be able handle the linear phase shifts that amplifiers produce (on the order of a few degrees). The frequencies that the are typically used are 20hz to 20khz.
thank you in advance for your help.
Stephen R. Chinn
January 29, 2009 at 11:05 am - Permalink
Steve is a pretty smart guy. You might try his solution. I think fitting this thing will be very difficult.
John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
January 29, 2009 at 12:47 pm - Permalink
1. using find_levels i found all the zero crossings. from this i determined the time between crossings, took the inverse and plotted it against the original time scale.
2. i then fit the curve with a sigmoid- it provided the best fit, but was still out by several hz in some locations on the curve
3. then, using the coefficients of the curve fit i applied the sigmoid equation to the original evenly spaced time data (in this case the sample interval was 1/44100).
4. i then plotted the original frequency sweep against the new time data. this gave a wave with a single fundamental frequency (i had some trouble figuring out just what frequency it was)
5. i used the igor interpolate function to evenly space the time data. i chose a delta that maintained the highest sampling rate of the pre-interpolated data. i used linear interpolation.
6. i ran a FFT on the data and plotted the first column of the magnitude output wave.
i did this on real data as well as on a ideal frequency sweep (generated with the equation in the first post).
In both cases i did not obtain any sidebands. rather i had the fundamental with a relatively high noise floor, only 50 or 60dB. i can't really explain why the noise floor would be so high on the "ideal frequency sweep". is it because my sampling rate is too low for the higher frequencies (sampling at 44.1 khz and the sweep goes to 20 khz) or is it something else.
also, if the curve fit is not perfect would this widen the fundamental or show up in some other way?
lastly i thought of another way to fit the frequency sweep - what are your thoughts on fitting each cycle of the sweep with the sin function, then concatenating each fit to generate a fit for the entire frequency sweep? i realize this is a very ugly and slow way of doing it but do you think the end result would be usable?
thanks again for your help - I've already learned a lot.
February 9, 2009 at 07:57 pm - Permalink
(construct your own graphs, where indicated)
Try this yourself. Please forgive any screwed up formatting; I'm new to HTML tags.
Stephen R. Chinn
February 10, 2009 at 10:13 am - Permalink
If this SNR is not sufficient for you, another method will be necessary.
Stephen R. Chinn
February 11, 2009 at 11:29 am - Permalink