Curve fitting Error from user made equation

f(Z) = .0012+((2*QWC)/(Deff))*(((sqrt((Deff*100)/pi))*exp((-Z^2)/(4*Deff*100)))-((Z/2)*erfc(Z/(2*sqrt(Deff*100)))))
return .0012+((2*QWC)/(Deff))*(((sqrt((Deff*100)/pi))*exp((-Z^2)/(4*Deff*100)))-((Z/2)*erfc(Z/(2*sqrt(Deff*100)))))
I could save and create the equation, and run it on a differnt set of data( work with concentrations in the 0.005 range). However when I run it on smaller concentrations (0.0007 range) the follow error message appeared: "expected number between 1 and 7" and it would highlight this line of code and the very last "0" in the line...FuncFit/NTHR=0/TBOX=768 walestrialfit2 W_coef wave2[0,5] /X=wave0 /D /C=T_Constraints /F={0.954000, 0}. I am not sure what is causing this error. Any help is appreciated!
Notice that it refers you to CurveFit for a discussion of the flags. Click the link to go to CurveFit.
Scroll down to the /F flag.
Note that the legal values for the confType parameter are 1 through 7 (a sum of 1, 2 and 4 which each have a meaning as specified in the help).
August 19, 2013 at 11:49 am - Permalink