Cursor data read-out options

Mike German
The ability to read date-time details with seconds to three decimal places precision from graph cursors in Igor Pro 9 is a very useful addition for me. But every time I come to access it, I have to (and, yes I know its easy - but doing it many times a day ....) go through the options selection. Is there a default or preference selection somewhere that could save me having to do this? If not maybe it becomes something on the wish list :-)
You could save the cursor settings you want to use as a style. This should also save the digits settings. Right-click on the cursor => Style Function => Save Style Function. You could go then to the procedure window (ctrl+m) and see how this is constructed. Ultimately, you could have a small macro which you call from the macros menu to set up the cursor however you want quickly.
June 20, 2023 at 06:46 am - Permalink
Excellent! Functions written and added to menu to toggle cursor style on and off. Job done - thanks.
June 21, 2023 at 12:46 am - Permalink