Currency Symbols in Axis Ticks

I recently needed to use Igor when plotting some financial stuff and could not find a shortcut on how to do this.
I resorted to using "User ticks form waves" - not particularly hard, but cumbersome when changing axis ranges etc.
It would be great if there was a way to avoid using "User ticks form waves".
For instance a new check-box could be added to Tick label tweaks that would allow for units in tick labels to precede values.
Is there some other shortcut for making this work that I just don't know about?
Function maketest() Make/D/O/N = 1000 test = p Setscale/P x, 0, 0.1, "$", test Make/D/O/N = 6 wave0 = 20*p Make/T/O/N = 6 textwave0 = {"$0", "$20", "$40", "$60", "$80", "$100"} End Window GoodCumbersomeGraph0() : Graph PauseUpdate; Silent 1 Display /W=(264.75,287.75,659.25,496.25) test ModifyGraph userticks(bottom)={wave0,textWave0} EndMacro Window BadEasyGraph1() : Graph PauseUpdate; Silent 1 Display /W=(729,284.75,1123.5,493.25) test ModifyGraph linTkLabel(bottom)=1 EndMacro